Sunday, 2024-12-29

T42<mc_lemon> Hi porters, I'm stuck on the doc and hope you can help. On the HAL doc (, section 5.1/page 15: _"After you’ve installed the repo command, a set of commands below will download the required projects for22:23
T42<mc_lemon> building the modified parts of the Android base used in Sailfish OS hardware adaptations.22:23
T42<mc_lemon> All available Android base variants and versions that you can port on can be seen here: __
T42<mc_lemon> mer-hybris/android/branches22:23
T42<mc_lemon> Choose a version which has the best hardware support for your device" _how do i know which version best supports my hardware (a pixel3a)22:23
T42<mc_lemon> Hi porters, I'm stuck on the doc and hope you can help. On the HAL doc (, section 5.1/page 15: _"After you’ve installed the repo command, a set of commands below will download the required projects for22:23
T42<mc_lemon> building the modified parts of the Android base used in Sailfish OS hardware adaptations.22:23
T42<mc_lemon> All available Android base variants and versions that you can port on can be seen here: __
T42<mc_lemon> mer-hybris/android/branches22:23
T42<mc_lemon> Choose a version which has the best hardware support for your device" _how do i know which version best supports my hardware (a pixel3a) ? (edited)22:23
malwell check lineageos github and see what branch your device repo has22:24
T42<mc_lemon> well my phone has the v21 of lineage, but thats not an option in the mer github branches22:26
T42<mc_lemon> my understanding is that i have to clone the mer branch corresponding to my LOS version22:27
malI forgot to push hybris-21.0 branch to github22:28
T42<mc_lemon> ahhh so the hybris-XX.X is the lineoge version ?22:29
T42<mc_lemon> can i use the 20 or should i wait for you to push the 21 ?22:29
malI can try to get it done tomorrow, or day after that, just need to check the removal of useless repos from the manifest before pushing22:30
malI had already done two ports based on hybris-21.0 so I know it can work22:30
T42<mc_lemon> fine i'll wait then22:30
T42<mc_lemon> whats the difference with the lineage os github ? why cant i clone directly from there ?22:31
T42<mc_lemon> souldn't*22:31
malmostly we just remove some useless repos and add some extra repos22:32
malof course you can clone the whole lineage manifest and just add the missing repos22:32
mal those repos with correct branches22:33
T42<mc_lemon> i will wait for you to push so i dont get myself into something else in such a late hour 😅😂22:40

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