T42 | <adampigg> Odd issue i just noticed ... setting silent mode, or adjusting the volume has no effect on the 'keyboard click' sound 🤔 | 08:38 |
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest5322 | 09:57 | |
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy | 09:57 | |
T42 | <b100dian> Might be because of the not working ngfd | 10:51 |
mal | if ngfd is not working then keyboard click is at full volume I think, I had similar issue on fp5 before I fixed ngfd | 13:43 |
T42 | <adampigg> ok, good to know | 13:44 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Hi, I install Sailfish from zip with the sailfishos- | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Data is formated as ext4, I just have the poco logo with telnet I see : | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mount /dev/sda32 /data | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mount: mounting /dev/sda32 on /data failed: Invalid argument | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mount --bind /data//.stowaways/sailfishos /target | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mount: mounting /data//.stowaways/sailfishos on /target failed: No such file or directory | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> And before : | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + echo ########################## mounting devprocsys | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> ########################## mounting devprocsys | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mkdir /dev | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mkdir: can't create directory '/dev': File exists | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Do you know what can be the problem ? | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Tanks in advance | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> David (re @Verevka86: I ported it to this ...) | 15:12 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Hi, I install Sailfish from zip (with twrp) with the sailfishos- | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Data is formated as ext4, I just have the poco logo with telnet I see : | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mount /dev/sda32 /data | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mount: mounting /dev/sda32 on /data failed: Invalid argument | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mount --bind /data//.stowaways/sailfishos /target | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mount: mounting /data//.stowaways/sailfishos on /target failed: No such file or directory | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> And before : | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + echo ########################## mounting devprocsys | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> ########################## mounting devprocsys | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> + mkdir /dev | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> mkdir: can't create directory '/dev': File exists | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Do you know what can be the problem ? | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Tanks in advance | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> David (edited) (re @Verevka86: I ported it to this ...) | 15:13 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> With fdisk -l /dev/sda32 I see disk /dev/sda32 doesn't contain a valid partition table | 15:26 |
T42 | <adampigg> sda32 is a partition, not a disk | 15:28 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> also `mount /dev/sda32 /data` you wouldn't mount partition table | 15:40 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Flash sailfishos adaptation (re @David_Telegra: Hi, I install Sailfi...) | 15:47 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Thanks, but I see /dev/sda1 in partition list. | 16:24 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> If I format in ext2 from boot rescue I can mount it ! | 16:24 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> If I install the same zip, I seem to bug later because I don't have telnet (re @adampigg: sda32 is a partition...) | 16:24 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Thanks I flash sfos-adaptation-vayu.1.3.zip and it don't boot. | 16:26 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I will try to flash each file with fastboot. | 16:26 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I previous install lineage 18.1, can I have to recovery from Poco official ROM before ? (re @Verevka86: Flash sailfishos ada...) | 16:26 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Thanks I flash sfos-adaptation-vayu.1.3.zip and it don't boot. | 16:39 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I will try to flash each file with fastboot. | 16:39 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I previous install lineage 18.1, can I have to recovery from Poco official ROM before ? | 16:39 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Edit when I put with flashboot I have partition error with partition with 0 size. | 16:39 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I previous find a way to restore them, I will check and re try. (edited) (re @Verevka86: Flash sailfishos ada...) | 16:39 |
T42 | <elros34> flash correct lineage version. Does it work? -> format /data in twrp, don't reboot, flash sailfish zip and make sure it finish without error. Don't mess with fdisk and partition table, you can break device | 17:11 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Disable data encryption, everything has been written a thousand times, learn to read (re @David_Telegra: Thanks I flash sfos-...) | 20:21 |
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