Mister_Magister | mal: hi sorry to bother but which latest base is supported? I know 13/20 is supported how about 14/15? | 10:00 |
Mister_Magister | i keep forgetting | 10:14 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> ah thanks (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>aosp14 or hybri...) | 10:16 |
*** rdr_ is now known as rdr | 10:50 | |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Thanks and sorry. | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I already have installed UBports and Droidian so I OK with preparation of device. | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I just don't find a way to install it on vayu and the files, just found 2 files on different website before a man give me the message with yours 2 last files ☺ | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Now it work, thanks again for you work 🙏 | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I have trouble to install it because I had brick my super partition, and lost lvm volume. | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> It is not easy to find it for me at the first time I have this problem. | 12:41 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> It is solved and I can try Sailfish ! (re @Verevka86: Disable data encrypt...) | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Thanks and sorry. | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I already have installed UBports and Droidian so I OK with preparation of device. | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I just don't find a way to install it on vayu and the files, just found 2 files on different website before a man give me the message with yours 2 last files ☺ | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> (It is not easy to find a detailed instruction in this topic) | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Now it work, thanks again for you work 🙏 | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> I have trouble to install it because I had brick my super partition, and lost lvm volume. | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> It is not easy to find it for me at the first time I have this problem. | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> It is solved and I can try Sailfish ! (edited) (re @Verevka86: Disable data encrypt...) | 12:42 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> This is the tutorial and file to install Sailfish on Poco X3 Pro - vayu : | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Download file here : | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> https://t.me/LinuxForPocoX3Pro/12346 | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Wipe data to have an unencrypted data partition | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Flash (with twrp) : | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> 1. sailfish.zip | 12:45 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> 2. sfos adaptation | 12:45 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> @David_Telegra When you post multiline message it posts as x messages in irc so its bit spammy | 12:55 |
mal | Mister_Magister: a14 is supported, I have forgotten to push manifest for hybris-21.0 | 13:21 |
Mister_Magister | thanks, i'm planning 21 port and if it comes to it i'll be sure to harass you xd | 13:21 |
T42 | <David_Telegra> Hi, sorry, how can we do, to keep message clear ? (re @Mister_Magister: @David_Telegra When ...) | 13:43 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> just don't use multiline and use @ instead of reply | 13:44 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> like in the pinned post (re @abhishek_0: Welcome to Sailfish ...) | 13:44 |
T42 | <Mister_Magister> altho pinned post doesn't mention multiline and it itself is multiline :D | 13:45 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: hiii im back :D | 17:46 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> usb-moded is screwing me over on FP5 currently, extcon paths return USB=0 and it's overriding the USB state, and it's killing PC connection | 17:46 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> any idea what I can do? | 17:46 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> usb state is actually USB_CDP (which is PC connection), but usb-moded overrides to USB_DCP due to extcon path which forces charger only mode | 17:48 |
mal | @TheVancedGamer on fp5 usb only works on some ports | 17:49 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> yeah, it only works on the high-power charging port for me | 17:49 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> 1.5A port | 17:49 |
mal | yeah | 17:49 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> extcon code seems broken | 17:49 |
mal | I haven't yet figured out why | 17:49 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> I'll patch and see | 17:49 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> at long last | 17:57 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> working USB | 17:57 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> idk why extcon is broken though | 17:57 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: maybe this is interesting, https://paste.myself5.de/oyiwociluy.rb | 17:58 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> that's the extcon path usb-moded grabs, and as you can see it always says 0, even though right now it is plugged into a PC | 17:58 |
mal | yeah, when I tested I couldn't get it to work even when disabling extcon | 18:03 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> idk what USB_SDP is though | 18:03 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> that's the mode it selects when I plug it into a 500mA port | 18:03 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> and USB_CDP when I plug it into a 1.5A port | 18:04 |
mal | how did you fix it? | 18:09 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> sec, seeing if my patch fixes it for sure | 18:10 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> it's so odd | 18:11 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> the phone starts fluctuating | 18:11 |
mal | ? | 18:11 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: https://paste.myself5.de/jadalilohi.apache | 18:12 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> this is on a 500mA port | 18:12 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> it's odd why usb-moded is doing this, because the state isn't changing in sysfs nodes | 18:12 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/fairphone-5/kernel-fairphone-qcm6490/-/blob/halium-11.0/drivers/power/supply/qti_battery_charger.c#L704 | 18:15 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> aha, lol | 18:15 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> extcon isn't even used for us | 18:15 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: got it! :D | 18:40 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> phone still doesn't seem to detect it's charging on a 500mA port, but usb-moded recognized connection | 18:40 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: I figured it out. the pmic is retarded | 19:29 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> : | 19:29 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> :D | 19:29 |
mal | hmm | 19:30 |
mal | is it because we write udc again? | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> it returns 0 for online property when input current is 500mA | 19:31 |
mal | hmm | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> I fixed everything else | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> usb-moded works wonderfully now | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> I'll push if you want to take a look | 19:31 |
mal | ok, so kernel patch or usb-moded patch? | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> kernel | 19:31 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> waiting for LTO to finish | 19:32 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> wonderful | 19:34 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> 900e | 19:34 |
mal | make a PR here https://github.com/mlehtima/android_kernel_fairphone_qcm6490 to hybris-21.0 branch | 19:34 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/fairphone-5/kernel-fairphone-qcm6490/-/commit/2def2851ffd8a814d9e91a043e57b7d9e2e7952f | 19:50 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> i'm still debugging the 500mA issue | 19:50 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> but at least with that hack usb-moded works properly | 19:50 |
mal | just wondering why the non-extcon way doesn't work correctly | 20:01 |
mal | I mean if you fix that 500mA issue so it reports online properly wouldn't that fix it? | 20:01 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> mal: it's much deeper, the pmic actually doesn't draw current when you plug it into a lower current port | 20:25 |
mal | hmm | 20:27 |
mal | I assume that must work in android | 20:28 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> it does | 20:28 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> I wonder if it's an issue related to the firmware we use for pmic | 20:29 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> because the driver uploads firmware to the pmic before communicating, and it doesn't use registers either | 20:29 |
mal | does it work in lineage? | 20:29 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> I never tried | 20:30 |
T42 | <TheVancedGamer> but I'm assuming it does | 20:30 |
mal | wondering if some userspace process sets something | 20:33 |
T42 | <kwitok> Hi, do you know if someone is currently working on fxtec pro1x/qx1050? Thanks | 20:38 |
mal | @adampigg ^ | 20:39 |
T42 | <adampigg> Yes, though not as activelybas maybe i should (re @kwitok: Hi, do you know if s...) | 20:46 |
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