Sunday, 2025-01-12

sharks_After building hybris-hal for hybris-18.1, I have no ./out/target/product/$DEVICE/root/ folder. I attempted to proceed with building droid-hal anyway by manually making the directory and finding init.rc and associated files elsewhere to manually copy in, but that did not work and left me with a device that has no helpful errors in logs and won't load graphics, so now I'm back trying to build04:00
sharks_hybris-hal properly. Has anyone got an idea why the root folder is missing?04:00
sharks_I found the files I needed in ./system/core/rootdir/.06:06
T42<Brnywz> Hello everyone, Kernel compilation is written in Python 2 "scripts/" I am getting an error in the file. Should I continue by setting it to run Python 3?07:23
T42<Brnywz> File "../scripts/", line 94, in <module>07:24
T42<Brnywz>     status = run_gcc()                            File "../scripts/", line 79, in run_gcc                                             print >> sys.stderr, line,07:24
T42<Brnywz> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'builtin_function_or_method' and '_io.TextIOWrapper'. Did you mean "print(<message>, file=<output_stream>)"?07:24
T42<Brnywz> make[2]: *** [../scripts/ arch/arm64/kernel/hw_breakpoint.o] Error 107:24
T42<Brnywz> make[1]: *** [/root/halium/kernel/oneplus/sm8150/Makefile:1229: arch/arm64/kernel] Error 207:24
T42<Brnywz>   AR      arch/arm64/kvm/hyp/built-in.o           AR      arch/arm64/kvm/built-in.o07:24
T42<Brnywz> make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/halium/kernel/oneplus/sm8150/out'07:24
T42<Brnywz> make: *** [Makefile:146: sub-make] Error 207:24
sharks_Why do I have the following in logcat, but no issue in strace?08:12
sharks_linker  : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/apex/": library "" needed or dlopened by "/system/lib/" is not accessible for the namespace "(default)"08:12
sharks_Trying to get wlan working, following Am I right in saying I only need to set CONFIG_PRONTO_WLAN=m, nothing else? If so, should I have a file relating to wlan in /lib/modules/3.10.*/? It is not there.10:49
T42<elros34> @Brnywz there is older ubuntu (habuild) for older devices if that is the case. I think you can also change default python version10:52
T42<elros34> @sharks do you have gui working?10:53
sharks_I do at the moment, yet10:53
T42<elros34> so what was the issue?10:53
T42<Brnywz> Ok, I applied the necessary adjustments and changes, thank you. (re @elros34: @Brnywz there is old...)10:53
sharks_At the moment I'm trying to get wlan working. I had it builtin to start with and had the following journal output but no wlan. Now trying to work out what I need to do to build it as a module.10:55
T42<elros34> yeah but I am asking how did you manage to get gui working.10:58
sharks_I deleted the ./out directory, made hybris-hal and droidmedia again, then manually copied init.rc and init.extraenv.armeabi-v71.rc from ./system/core/rootdir/ to ./out/target/product/$DEVICE/root/, and added a symlink in root/init to /system/bin/init. Then ran all the commands again and booted to a system with working gui.11:01
sharks_So I suspect the first time I copied the wrong files to the root folder.11:02
T42<elros34> ok, so what kernel module do you see in .config/config.gz? Mind that samsung kernels sometimes doesn't allow enablink wlan as module easily11:10
sharks_That much I know, it was a fight to get modules working.11:17
sharks_I have the following in .config:11:17
sharks_I mean to say, they are all set as '=m'11:18
sharks_but /lib/modules/*/ contains only ansi_cprng.ko tcp_westwood.ko gator.ko test-iosched.ko tcp_htcp.ko and modules.*11:21
sharks_It's late and I have to go to bed now, but if anyone has an idea what I'm doing wrong I'd love to hear it. Send a message and I'll check the logs in the morning. Thanks all11:36
T42<elros34> did you build droid-hal? This will package built wlan modules from out/ which you can manually install11:49
T42<edp_17> sharks_ : What is that device?12:19

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