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T42 | <edp_17> mal, @elros34 , Hi guys. I've seen tooling and target are available. Is OBS ready to build sfos 5? If yes, what's the repo/project name? | 20:15 |
mal | no 5.0 on obs yet, hopefully soon | 20:18 |
T42 | <edp_17> Thanks mal! | 20:19 |
T42 | <morciatka> quick question, would there be a difference if I used an Android 10 lineageos base instead of Android 12 base for a port? | 20:21 |
Mister_Magister | none whatsoever | 20:24 |
Mister_Magister | the only reason to get new base is kernel patches or, more likely, if something is broken on older version | 20:25 |
mal | other than that there is no hybris-19.1 at the moment, nobody has needed it enough to create it | 20:25 |
Mister_Magister | mal: 21 plz | 20:25 |
T42 | <morciatka> wonderful! my former thought was that it would add more stuff | 20:26 |
T42 | <morciatka> | 20:26 |
T42 | <morciatka> the funny thing is that the A12 base is significantly more unstable, or atleast it always behaved like that, so that's why I wanted to avoid it | 20:26 |
T42 | <morciatka> *more stuff, like features or some new capabilities | 20:26 |
mal | since we only use android side for some hardware feature the base doesn't matter much | 20:26 |
mal | *features | 20:27 |
mal | also a10 and a12 are new enough to both use binder for same things it matter even less | 20:27 |
T42 | <morciatka> thank god then, I'll be finally trying to port the stuff so I atleast have one thing kinda clarified | 20:27 |
mal | just curious, which device? | 20:28 |
T42 | <morciatka> OnePlus 7T Pro, btchdRPR actually did a port, but I want to have my own try on that to see how big of a job is to even port SFOS, make hybris work and all that other stuff | 20:28 |
T42 | <edp_17> Building droid-hal packages feels like in an endless loop. Usually, it finishes in a few mins, but for sfos 5 it is just running and running. There is no crash and no error. Any idea what to check? | 20:34 |
mal | @edp_17 what do you mean? | 20:36 |
mal | which package does that? | 20:37 |
T42 | <edp_17> rpm/dhd/helpers/build_packages.sh -d | 20:37 |
T42 | <edp_17> It says: "* Building rpm/droid-hal-ocean.spec" and that's it. It just doesn't end | 20:37 |
mal | what do you see in the log file? | 20:38 |
T42 | <edp_17> droid-hal-ocean.log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PxSyqxJ7GT/ | 20:40 |
T42 | <edp_17> It is still running. | 20:40 |
mal | is there out/target/product/%{device}/obj/*/.config in ANDROID_ROOT? | 20:44 |
T42 | <edp_17> Yes, There is: $ANDROID_ROOT/out/target/product/ocean/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config | 20:46 |
T42 | <edp_17> I've also run the "hybris/mer-kernel-check/mer_verify_kernel_config ./out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config" and it worked. | 20:47 |
mal | and the env vars are correct? | 20:48 |
mal | and you are in correct build env, i.e. in platform sdk not in habuild | 20:48 |
T42 | <edp_17> Should be as I already built 4.5 and 4.6. | 20:48 |
T42 | <edp_17> Only updated the version to 5 in .hadk_env | 20:49 |
T42 | <edp_17> I meant to | 20:49 |
T42 | <edp_17> Yes, I ran that build_package in sdk. | 20:50 |
T42 | <edp_17> I've deleted and created targets and toolings for Then, deleted and created sub-modules. (except hybris/droid-configs/droid-configs-device because I had to use a specific commit for my device.) | 20:51 |
T42 | <edp_17> For building 4.5 and 4.6, in hybris/droid-configs/droid-configs-device, I had to use commit 49702dc31f6e54b0341df303dd493a58fa4aac7d otherwise lipstick crashed with "unrecognized option '--hwc-restart'". | 20:53 |
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