Monday, 2025-02-10

*** deathmist1 is now known as deathmist08:58
Mister_Magisterwhere's spiiroin when you need him10:27
psssHi I need to buy a new phone what is the best option to run sailfish and waydroid?11:11
Mister_MagisterWaydroid not working yet but currently op6 in my humble opinion (im the author, 100% not biased)11:12
Mister_Magisterthat is oneplus 611:12
T42<fxclre> Hello everyone!11:38
T42<fxclre> I have succesfully resolved my problems regarding android part and now moving to building packages11:38
T42<fxclre> I havce encountered an error while running rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw11:38
T42<fxclre> It says "Fatal: 'rpm/kf5bluezqt-bluez4.spec' does not exist (and could not be made from a .yaml)"11:38
T42<fxclre> 11:38
T42<fxclre> I searched the chat and found out this entry:
T42<fxclre> 11:38
T42<fxclre> But i am not quite sure what line to remove from the script and whether it is up-to-date solution11:38
T42<fxclre> 11:38
T42<fxclre> Full log can be seen here:11:38
Mister_Magisterhe literally links the line to remove11:49
Mister_Magisteraltho to be fair, its out of date11:50
T42<fxclre> Oh yes right, silly me11:50
Mister_Magistermaybe you have out of date dhd?11:50
T42<fxclre> But is it good for newest version ?11:50
T42<fxclre> You were right: the problem was with the outdated dhd12:16
T42<fxclre> Okay, now i got to the step of building rpm/dhd/helpers/ --version12:51
T42<fxclre> And there are failed packages:12:51
T42<fxclre> droid-config is needed by droid-hal-version-dreamlte-0.0.1-202502101245.aarch6412:51
T42<fxclre>  droid-config-preinit-plugins is needed by droid-hal-version-dreamlte-0.0.1-202502101245.aarch6412:51
T42<fxclre> etc etc12:51
T42<fxclre> 12:51
T42<fxclre> I tried both zypper in droid-config (which failed because droid-config wasn't found) and mb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH build-shell sdk-install droid-config12:51
T42<fxclre> which failed with an interesting code of "Preserving outdated snapshot 'samsung-dreamlte-aarch64.default' of 'samsung-dreamlte-aarch64' target...12:51
T42<fxclre> sdk-install could not be executed: Success"12:51
T42<fxclre> 12:51
T42<fxclre> How do i fix those?12:52
T42<edp_17> What's the issue with Waydroid? (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <Mister_Magister>Way...)14:07
T42<elros34> @fxclre read whole build log file, there must other error/missing package. If you want to install droid-config then you need long command which you will find in hadk-hot14:35
T42<Umeaman> Has anyone tried running Sailfish OS and Lineage side by step using Dualboot from this solution?14:58
T42<Umeaman> 14:58
T42<Umeaman> Has anyone tried running Sailfish OS and Lineage side by side step using Dualboot from this solution?14:59
T42<Umeaman> 14:59
T42<Umeaman> (edited)14:59
T42<fxclre> Where to find the log for "rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mic"?15:24
T42<fxclre> 15:24
T42<fxclre> I've ran into error "Error <repo>[02/10 15:23:00] : Could not run transaction." and can't understand what it means15:24
T42<Umeaman> Did you Google the error?16:36
T42<Umeaman> I suspect that yum is responsible for this?16:38
T42<Umeaman> I suspect that yum is responsible for this. (edited)16:38
T42<Umeaman> From what I could find related to that error.16:38
T42<fxclre> well google isn't helpful. I tried searching on piggz's search but all the results are from 2018 and no solution provided16:42
T42<fxclre> And I have no idea from where yum could be responsible for this hence there is no Fedora the build process16:43
T42<fxclre> And even no yum command16:43
T42<Mister_Magister> @Umeaman If it doesn't duplicate the /data partition then the only issue is that newer android will encrypt /data making sfos unbootable, other than that plenty of people16:49
T42<Mister_Magister> @edp_17 someone has to bring it up and I don't care about waydroid so…16:49
T42<Mister_Magister> but one guy is close16:50
T42<Umeaman> I'm not entirely sure if my app for the pacemaker actually will work in Sailfish (even though Android app support is enabled), I think it still detects root status.17:16
T42<Umeaman> If only there was a way to use Magisk modules to hide root status in Sailfish OS.17:17
T42<Umeaman> That would solve it.17:17
Mister_MagisterMy honest suggestion is to just have android phone on the side to do android things from time to time17:17
T42<TheVancedGamer> there is no root in appsupport17:18
T42<elros34> @fxclre  as previously one line error usually doesn't tell much so don't expect solution. If you want more verbose mic then add --verbose or --debug at the end of mic command in build_packages.sh18:02
T42<fxclre> @elros34 unfirtunately:18:04
T42<fxclre> PlatformSDK foxclore@galaxy-server:~/hadk$ rpm/dhd/helpers/ --verbose --mic18:04
T42<fxclre> getopt: unrecognized option '--verbose'18:04
T42<fxclre> getopt error18:04
T42<fxclre> PlatformSDK foxclore@galaxy-server:~/hadk$ rpm/dhd/helpers/ --debug --mic18:04
T42<fxclre> getopt: unrecognized option '--debug'18:04
T42<fxclre> getopt error18:04
T42<elros34> inside  script not at the end of it18:04
T42<fxclre> Ohhhh18:05
T42<fxclre> Okay I’ll try it now18:06
T42<fxclre> Here is the log for the "could not run transaction" error:
T42<fxclre> 18:30
T42<fxclre> Unfortunately none of it makes sense to me as it raises mic.utils.errors.RepoError18:31
malfile /etc/ofono/binder.conf conflicts between attempted installs of droid-config-dreamlte-1-202502101204.aarch64 and ofono-configs-binder-1.1.15-1.7.1.jolla.aarch6418:36
maladd these 4 lines to your droid-config spec and then rebuild droid-config package with -c18:38
T42<edp_17> If you change a value somewhere in a prop on android side, that stops encryption on /data. (re @Mister_Magister: @Umeaman If it doesn...)18:50
T42<edp_17> Okay. I played a lot with waydroid and thought could help. (re @Mister_Magister: @edp_17 someone has ...)18:54
T42<Mister_Magister> have at it, i'll add any kernel changes you require but i'm not gonna spend any time getting it to work :P Hence someone has to get it working18:55
T42<Mister_Magister> almost got aliendalvik to work tho18:55
T42<fxclre> mal: that did work! Thank you19:06

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