T42 | <edp_17> What is the thermal-hal-1-0 service? It's on the XA2 and droid-hal-init is trying to start it but then crashing. | 18:00 |
T42 | <edp_17> Okay, found it. The /vendor/etc/init/android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service.rc starts the thermal-hal-1-0 service which is this binary /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service | 18:06 |
T42 | <edp_17> Another question. Is there a disabled_services.rc on the XA2? I cannot find it in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/disabled_services.rc | 18:08 |
T42 | <edp_17> Or that is only specific for community ports? | 18:08 |
mal | https://github.com/mer-hybris/droid-config-sony-nile/tree/master/sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init | 18:13 |
mal | it has separate files for each it seems | 18:13 |
T42 | <edp_17> Thanks mal. | 18:16 |
T42 | <edp_17> Hmmm, there is one to disable the original surfaceflinger. | 18:17 |
mal | what are you trying to do? | 18:25 |
T42 | <edp_17> I am trying to find out why waydroid doesn't show gui. It boots, Both container and session remains running, no error in waydroid logs and I hear the sound of the android system but there is no gui. | 18:29 |
T42 | <edp_17> It looks like started "somewhere else" and I am trying to find out how to "bring it back" to app screen. | 18:30 |
T42 | <edp_17> In dmesg I see that thermal-hal-1-0 service crashing constantly, so I am trying to disable that to see what happens. (I don't think that's related but at least that will be gone from logs.) | 18:33 |
mal | is that thermal hal one from host or waydroid? | 18:54 |
T42 | <edp_17> From host. | 18:55 |
T42 | <edp_17> I've disabled, so not spamming the log anymore. | 18:55 |
T42 | <edp_17> I think found something why there is no gui. On host dmesg: init: Control message: Could not find 'vendor.waydroid.window@1.2::IWaydroidWindow/default' for ctl.interface_start from pid: 20 (/system/bin/hwservicemanager) | 18:56 |
T42 | <edp_17> This error doesn't appear on the MotoG7 where waydroid starts fine. | 18:56 |
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