T42 | <dodo_radio> hi, I'm trying to get Thaodan's port for xperia 5ii booting, but the device doesn't show anything past the sony logo (and shows up as `direct-access linux file-stor gadget` when plugged into usb). I flashed android 58.1.A.5.390 using both emma and newflasher (on different attempts), I got the sailfish files from https://github.com/SailfishOS-SonyXperia/droid-hal-version-sony-edo/releases/tag/ , downloaded the oem binaries from | 00:24 |
T42 | <elros34> journal would be more useful. You would have to enable persisten logging first. BTW did you use correct android firmware/aosp and so on according to instruction? I guess you can't use any version you want | 01:07 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> @elros34 this is the journal. I booted once into recovery, enabled persistent logging, did a normal boot, then rebooted into recovery and got the journal. I have already tried starting with multiple versions of android, this latest attempt is with 58.1.A.5.390 which is the only version of android 11 I could get | 08:28 |
T42 | <elros34> then you grab it incorrectly. I think you should use something like journalctl --no-page -b-1. https://sailfishos.wiki/books/hadk/page/hadk-hot#bkmrk-2022.07.31%3A-generati | 12:31 |
T42 | <elros34> or you didn't wait long enough on sfos boot which is at least 1 minute | 12:33 |
T42 | <elros34> or maybe -b0, you will see | 12:40 |
*** deathmist1 is now known as deathmist | 13:50 | |
T42 | <dodo_radio> I had to crop the log because it was too long for any pastebin site I could find (re @elros34: or you didn't wait l...) | 15:10 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> https://dodorad.io/uploads/journaldump-pdx206.txt I've uploaded the full log here | 15:15 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> hopefully that doesn't break the rules of the chat | 15:15 |
T42 | <elros34> after filtering audit (I do not get why porters leave it enabled like anybody could read 10000 lines of spam) looks like mce fails maybe because it cannot find libdl_android.so. bluedroid also loop in failure, this one you could probably mask but this might not be critical | 15:41 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> @elros34 is that library part of hybris? | 16:32 |
T42 | <elros34> I am not familiar with this sailfish x typ of builds, in regular hadk its build from android and copy somwhere to /usr/libexec/droid-hybris | 16:36 |
T42 | <elros34> in your case maybe it's only in /system, vendor or apex. some other porter will know better but anyway you might try find locatiob | 16:38 |
T42 | <elros34> location* | 16:38 |
T42 | <elros34> best would be have ssh access but does't look like it's working | 16:39 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> I don't have ssh access while the device is actually live, I can only work with it from the recovery (re @elros34: best would be have s...) | 16:44 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> I think I managed to fix that... by symlinking /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/libdl.so to libdl-android.so. | 17:04 |
T42 | <dodo_radio> the next concerning thing that I see in the log is 'no /dev/fb0' - is this normal? does this suggest something is messed up about the display, or should I ignore that error? | 17:05 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> hi, so, i have a build for galaxy s20 ultra (z3s), it uses super partitions. i have it booting to the debug init system. i am quite confused as in the fairphone 4 droid-configs they have an overlay(?) in the `sparse` directory, (like so: https://github.com/mlehtima/droid-config-fp4/tree/devel/sparse) - will the build system just copy it? i don't see anything in specs that relates to it. | 17:33 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> | 17:33 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> also, i'm confused on how I can build https://github.com/sailfish-on-nabu/parse-android-dynparts - i see the rpm dir and the spec file, how do i build that into my local repo? | 17:33 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> | 17:33 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> thanks! :) | 17:33 |
mal | build_packages.sh --mw=https://github.com/sailfish-on-nabu/parse-android-dynparts | 17:50 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> mal: oh wow, thank you! that was too easy | 17:51 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> now I just need to figure the overlays out, lol | 17:51 |
T42 | <elros34> @dodo_radio maybe it's false error because missing permissions. I wouldn't worry about it. Did you mask bluedroid? mce and related dbus worls now? | 19:03 |
T42 | <elros34> @btchdRPR sparse/ is packaged to droid-config rpm and then it is a part of rootfs. All devices uses it, it's not fp4 only | 19:06 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> Thank you! I'm off to bed for today, will pick it up tomorrow (re @elros34: @btchdRPR sparse/ is...) | 20:39 |
T42 | <btchdRPR> @elros34: Thank you! I'm off to bed for today, will pick it up tomorrow (edited) (re @elros34: @btchdRPR sparse/ is...) | 20:39 |
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