Tuesday, 2025-03-11

*** rdr_ is now known as rdr09:33
T42<fredldotme> alright, I figured tackling the USB-C audio issue from pulseaudio-modules-droid seems more fruitful.17:08
T42<fredldotme> I figured out that plugging a USB-C "card" in attempts to create a new audio patch17:09
T42<fredldotme> here: https://github.com/mer-hybris/pulseaudio-modules-droid/blob/master/src/common/droid-util.c#L210117:09
T42<fredldotme> now it needs to have at least a sink for the USB-C card to be in use (as determined by the QCOM Audio HAL)17:09
T42<fredldotme> does anybody have an idea how the sink for this is supposed to look?17:10
T42<fredldotme> I "believe" it requires "card=1;" as the address, but that alone currently leads to an endless loop in initialization17:10
T42<fredldotme> pushing pulseaudio to 100%17:11
T42<fredldotme> somebody up for some adventures in audio HAL land (tm)?17:15
Mister_Magistermal: can you at least tell me what repos do i need to add to lineage manifest to get sfos thingies20:14
Mister_Magisterthis will do?20:17
Mister_Magisterexcept versoin should be 21.020:17
malpretty much that20:18
malexcept audioflingerglue20:18
malit's not needed and not sure if even builds20:18
malhybris-21.0 branch selinux_stubs20:18
Mister_Magisterif you could make a paste with sfos repos that would be nice xd, since there's no optimized manifest i decided to just sync entire lineage20:19
Mister_Magisterbut i've applied the changes you mentioned20:20
T42<b100dian> mal: thanks for visible: cameraLabel.text != '' in CameraDeviceToggle.qml, I now have 5 cameras instead of 12 :D (before I needed a patch)20:58
mal@b100dian good to hear it works for you also21:05
Mister_Magisterbruh i failed at breakfast21:50
Mister_Magisteri hate android dev21:50
malfailed how?22:09
maldid you use correct device name, it's different in a1422:09
malfor fp5 I need to use: breakfast lineage_FP5-ap2a-user22:10
Mister_Magisterbreakfast pipa worked, for lunch i needed lineage_pipa-ap2a-userdebug but i just used breakfast22:11
Mister_Magisterwas failing because of the device/xiaomi/sm8250-common/kona.mk:521: error: vendor/lineage-priv/keys/keys.mk: No such file or directory22:11
Mister_Magisteri commented it out and seems to be working fine xd22:11
Mister_Magistergrrrreeeeeaaaatttttt more errors22:20
malwhat kind of errors?22:57
maljust to be sure, did you sync correctly so lfs git repos are handled22:58
T42<Mister_Magister> idk i did the usual repo init and sync23:04
Mister_Magisterbut i also noticed in lineage it had additional parameter to repo init23:05
Mister_Magisterso let me start over23:05
malrepo init needs --git-lfs23:06
malit's possible to manually to that but it has to be done manually always after that which is annoying23:06
Mister_Magisteryeah lemme fix that23:07
malfp5 lineage instuctions also have --no-clone-bundle23:07
Mister_Magisterwhat the heck is the lfs23:07
Mister_Magisterah large file storage23:07
malyeah, a better way for handling large files in git repos23:08
Mister_Magistermy usual sync is repo sync --force-sync -cj6 --no-clone-bundle23:19

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