Wednesday, 2025-03-12

Mister_Magisterwell lfs did not help with my issues00:55
Mister_Magisterbut i'm sure it didn't hurt anyway00:55
Mister_Magisterayy removed different directory that was conflicting and its now building!01:17
Mister_Magisterlets see if it bulds01:17
*** phlixi is now known as Guest1117108:48
*** phlixi_ is now known as phlixi08:48
Mister_Magisterwait… w…where's system partition?09:22
Mister_Magisterbro android 21 is weeeird09:24
Mister_Magistermal: hi, sorry to bother but do i have to modify my fstab in any way?
Mister_Magisterthats a wrong fstab hold on09:25
Mister_Magisternow that's a fstab09:25
Mister_Magisteron newer devices system partition is done in this weird and unusual way isn't it09:26
Mister_Magistersame as product/odm/vendor09:26
Mister_Magisterthere aren't exactly 21.0 build instructions so i don't have much to go off of :P09:29
Mister_MagisterTarget vendor_boot image: out/target/product/pipa/vendor_boot.img09:30
Mister_Magisterwait vendor boot?09:30
T42<TheVancedGamer> yup that's a thing now09:32
T42<TheVancedGamer> and vendor_kernel_boot09:32
T42<TheVancedGamer> and init_boot09:32
Mister_Magistercare to elaborate on WHAT THE HELL IS THAT09:33
T42<TheVancedGamer> kernel modules09:33
T42<TheVancedGamer> and ramdisk09:33
T42<TheVancedGamer> but ramdisk was moved to init_boot09:33
Mister_Magisterwhat the hell09:33
T42<TheVancedGamer> did you sleep through GKI09:34
Mister_Magisterwhat is GKI09:34
T42<TheVancedGamer> generic kernel image09:34
Mister_Magisterwhy is kernel config in vendor???09:34
Mister_MagisterTell me more about that GKI09:35
T42<TheVancedGamer> Google moved to a single generic kernel image for all devices09:37
T42<TheVancedGamer> like GSI09:37
Mister_Magistercan't they just leave things to be simple?09:37
Mister_Magisterthanks dev, great path kernel/xiaomi/sm8250/arch/arm64/configs/vendor/xiaomi/pipa.config09:37
Mister_Magisteri assume its also result of GKI thing09:38
Mister_Magisteri'm no android dev i just click sfos :P09:38
Mister_Magisterah great now kernel config cannot be nice and in single file organized and updated via tui09:39
Mister_Magisterthanks google09:39
Mister_Magisterkay i got the kernel with the patches, now, uh, i need the thingy to mount system, wherever that is…09:58
Mister_Magisteriamma wait for some help10:02
Mister_Magisterhere ti is10:07
T42<Mister_Magister> wait @b100dian what are you doing here? xd10:08
T42<b100dian> Copying code from mal like everyone else?10:36
Mister_Magisterobviously xd10:42
Mister_Magisteri'm copying sparse from you10:42
Mister_Magistertho i'm not sure what do I need10:44
Mister_Magisterok technically i'm building zip12:11
Mister_Magisterpractically i'm 99% sure it won't even boot, heck i'm 80% sure i don't even know how to flash the darn thing12:12
T42<b100dian> Mister_Magister which device?13:33
Mister_Magisterxiaomi pad 613:33
T42<b100dian> oh, I rember now. How was bootloader unlocking, in number of days?13:51
Mister_Magisterdoes anyone work on reverse-engineering jolla's volte proprietary bullshit?23:22
Mister_Magisterdeath of 2/3G will be the death of unofficial ports23:22

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