Saturday, 2019-03-02

*** xenu_ is now known as xenu01:08
*** frinring_ is now known as frinring01:18
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest1939402:04
*** zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin02:52
Thaodan_is there a way to figure out way a pgo "failes" on mer bulldservice?03:39
Thaodan_its about this pkg03:39
Thaodan_I need to add there's no log on that pkg04:05
kimmoliThaodan_: add revision, e.g. HEAD04:38
kimmoliwell didnt help04:39
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil07:17
*** axeKirves is now known as kirvesAxe16:25
*** feodoran_ is now known as feodoran21:46

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