Friday, 2020-10-30

*** zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin02:08
*** Colgate_ is now known as Colgate05:36
*** frinring_ is now known as frinring07:30
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux10:43
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux10:47
*** flx_ is now known as mflux10:55
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux11:06
*** albertux2 is now known as albertux111:27
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux11:28
*** albertux1 is now known as albertux11:35
IngvixI always forget where the android root is located in the filesystem17:27
Ingvixoh right, was it stored in /opt/alien/system.img these days?17:35
malwhy do you need that information?18:26
*** jrayhawk_ is now known as jrayhawk23:09
Nico[m]Hm, why is the SDK 3.3 topic closed?23:26

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