Sunday, 2024-07-28

rubdos[m]I think docker system prune did some damage to my sfdk install. Is there an easy "reinstall the build engine" command/tool/...?09:29
rubdos[m](Error response from daemon: network sailfish-sdk:rsmet not found)09:38
ViGerubdos[m]: I'm afraid there isn't.12:22
direc85[m]SDK uninstall and install is the way to go I think13:54
rubdos[m]I don't wanna :(18:37
rubdosdeinstallation also kinda requires the docker components to survive :'-)18:48
rubdosI tend to mess this up every few months.  Any plans to improve this situation a tidbit?18:48
rubdosI mean, don't get me wrong, `sfdk` is already quite an improvement in ergonomics, together with the docker-based system...18:49
rubdosabr: not sure whether you use Kuri, but I just made this;
henkpoetaster: tidings is yours, right?21:43
poetasteryes it is.23:23
poetastersorry, I'm on the road in canada, but let me know what's up and i'll try to be of service.23:23

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