Tuesday, 2024-07-30

direc85[m]My Android App Support lost Internet connectivity around 23 day uptime mark. In the Android settings it claims to not have Mobile broadband and hence declares no Internet connection.06:17
direc85[m]WhatsApp, naturally, doesn't care about this and tries to use the Internet anyway, successfully. Fennec, Element X and Deezer don't work.06:17
direc85[m]I've restarted Connman with no effect. Any other tips?06:18
direc85[m]Log for stopping the AAS: https://pastebin.com/EhnwEu7g06:30
direc85[m]And starting it: https://pastebin.com/1r8ZQEV906:36
direc85[m]Nothing interesting there though...06:36
entilI never checked the logs when I've had that happen, but every time I can remember that happening it was firefox, so I cursed google, used the sfos browser, maybe eventually rebooted the phone, somehow it works - and you probably did try restart or are you actually wanting to fix this?06:41
nephroswait, whatsapp does have connectivity? or does it just not show any errors?06:42
direc85[m]WhatsApp doesn't obey "Android" reporting "there's no Internet" and just tries to connect anyway. That's my theory at least...06:58
direc85[m]The other apps don't even try to connect.06:58
entilgotta keep that metadata flowing06:58
direc85[m]Combing through logcat now... (dang!)06:59
direc85[m]Unrelated, but caught my eye: E EdgeBackGestureHandler: Failed to add gesture blocking activities06:59
direc85[m]It doesn't seem to find SIM? E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] getIccId: No UICC07:23
direc85[m]D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed07:30
* direc85[m] sent a code block: https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/rbBtnLtGWXIfPnCoPRXtcdxG07:31
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direc85[m]I found a WLAN and AAS has connectivity over it. So it's just the mobile broadband that doesn't get relayed properly.10:25
direc85[m]Should I gather more logs or try something? I could restart networking to see if that helps but I kinda don't want to just yet.10:26
Ketodirec85[m]: we have a fix for some of the appsupport connectivity issues in the pipe already10:32
Ketonot sure when we'll get that out, but hopefully soon10:40
direc85[m]Good news! Thanks :)15:54
direc85[m]Restarting network in Settings didn't affect, not flight mode toggle etc.16:05

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