Thursday, 2024-08-29

Ingvixhmh. I was upgraded to from with sfos-uppgrade on xperia 10 and attempted to reboot to end up with a black screen after decryption. Booting to 4.5 hybris-recovery.img gets stuck on sony logo. Soft reset by holding power button and volup until 3 vibrations doesn't help17:57
Ingvixany ideas+17:57
Ingvix*I upgraded17:58
IngvixI'm kinda guessing reflashing is the only thing to try18:03
Ingvixbut bit of a bummer losing all my pics18:10
Ingvixwhich of course I didn't happen to backup before upgrading18:11
Ingvixcos why would I18:11
Ingvixah, nevermind for now. Of course I downloaded the wrong device version of the recovery18:16
maluse recovery18:19
malhopefully you can get recovery working18:19
Ingvixyup, recovery's working now18:24
malmaybe you can even get it working from there, enable persitent journal if you need to get logs18:26
IngvixI'm guessing some packages didn't get upgraded quite right. Am I able to run sfos-upgrade from the recovery shell?18:28
Ingvixnot sure if it's possible to get internet connection in recovery18:28
malit might be possible18:32
malmaybe see if you can use the method described in chapter 9.3.3 in
Ingvixthanks, managed to finally set it up after some troubleshooting, aimless wondering and searching the internet19:29
Ingvixsfos-upgrade is currently running19:29

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