Friday, 2024-08-30

Ingvixso apparently that failed, most likely cos zypper saying04:55
Ingvixzypper: symbol lookup error: zypper: undefined symbol: _ZN4zypp6target3rpm25InstallResolvableReportSA13contentRpmoutE, version ZYPP_plain04:56
IngvixI'm thinking I probably need to use rpm command to do something about zypper or some other package but I'm not quite sure what just yet08:19
Ingvixcould be that I need to get the latest libzypp from some repo and install manually, according to some opensuse issues08:31
Ingvixuh, any idea where I could get the rpm file for libzypp?08:52
tevepkcon download /tmp/ libzypp09:10
Ingvixcan't use pkcon either09:44
IngvixFailed to contact PackageKit: Could not connect: Connection refused09:47
KetoIngvix: ^10:14
Ingvixah, thank you10:15
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Ingvixcan I get the credentials requiring repos to work on recovery shell?14:56
IngvixI'm finally making some progress, I feel14:56
Ingvixzypper is finally working again14:59
Ingvixeh, ssu register fails15:03
IngvixDBus unavailable, falling back to libssu15:05
Ingvixlibproxy initialization failed.15:05
jrgSo should I expect that fxtec is defunct?15:05
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