Tuesday, 2024-09-24

*** Ischwitch is now known as Ingvix11:46
poetasterhmm. currently obs won't build some python pkgs. ] Download error on https://pypi.org/simple/: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution -- Some packages may not be found!12:24
poetaster[   33s] No local packages or working download links found for setuptools_scm>=1.7.012:24
malobs can't download any additional sources from web during build, that is by design, you need to make sure your dependencies are provided by other packages so it doesn't need to download anything12:28
poetastermal, it may be that I updated the wrong spec on chum. I usually use two different tags. hmmm.12:30
poetasterah, got it, that was it. I have 2 steps. build with local on host and github, build with depends on chum.12:30
pherjung[m]I'm trying to install the Sailfish IDE with Docker as build engine and get this error:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AVD6ENvPULu1Rcgn0L-ikx38YgSX8l0OooCVq_-SVXWPaM2HCw0d0Xl8Q2VHjWHJGQsuVnzURForWreTtytvKyJCeSJkv8iAAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvS1RxZFhqZlVub1RSbm9YaWVLeVd5WGRF>)15:09
pherjung[m]Running the command manually doesn't help as the installer doesn't progress15:10
pherjung[m]ok, seems I need to install the IDE with root15:11
pherjung[m]* <del>ok, seems, * with root</del>15:13
pherjung[m]I finally run the command manually, wait a long time and it looks fine15:23
rubdospherjung[m]: you need to make sure you can use docker as your normal user if you want to intsall through the normal user18:41
rubdosbut if you can run it under your normal user and it just takes a long time, then I don't know :'-)18:42
*** ggabriel is now known as Guest445619:19
* piggz[m] uploaded an image: (11KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AV8Tp3ow9s_xifwhMvexXT6iKHMeI7XFFB3eJIj1hJmtKlYmNCijuRKLDJbGArHW6YaZjpdqTv02U35x7VKKzzlCeSJ45nIwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvbm9RT2Zmd1FWd1FsTXBGblhKd3FHZmZa >21:01

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