Wednesday, 2024-09-25

*** poetaster is now known as Guest450707:49
rinigusmal and Keto: would you mind to consider native arm64 builders at OBS? this qt6 project initiated by piggz is basically mainly about slamming yourself against one sb2 bug after another18:08
rinigusat least it feels so18:08
piggz[m]i agree ... or, you could fix obs + sb2 really quickly :)18:08
piggz[m]yet another fail
rinigusas far as I can see, suse obs has arm64 runners for a while. flatpak is also using native runners. maybe the pricing has changed and they are not that exotic18:10
malwould nice to figure out what exactly is wrong in sb218:17
b100dian[m]I would be interested in what type of hardware would be needed, maybe community or sailmates can chip in18:19
rinigusmal: with sb2 we have an additional codebase to take care of. by compiling aarch64 on aarch64, we could cut that layer off. although, probably for home use, sb2 is nice to have. as for bugs, rather difficult to figure it out18:21
rinigusvlagged: re hardware - I guess the easiest is to check out where obs is renting hosts and see if they offer arm64. although, we would have to ask jolla folks to adjust config for them18:24
b100dian[m]The near possibility of qcom adding Linux support for the new laptop chips from this years also means that home use would also be nice without qemu / sb218:27
piggz[m]mal: im very surprised these bugs have never been hit before19:09
malpiggz[m]: yeah, very strange19:18
piggz[m]mal: another one ... this time permissions again on a generated file, so likley the same issue
kamroopen/closed sailfish-svg2png wasn't updated for new icons location?21:48
kamrolooks like it was so the issue must be somewhere else22:06
kamroso sailfish-svg2png changed and icons must be in svgs/icons22:52

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