Thursday, 2024-09-26

*** OFTC is now known as Guest458902:02
rinigusmal and Keto: coming back to topic from last night. would you mind to discuss using native builds at OBS? i.e. without sb2? or you know already that its way more expensive?09:51
riniguswould be interesting to hear jolla's position on it.09:52
Ketoarm64 servers at hetzner seem to be relatively same price per core10:11
Ketobut I don't know how those compare otherwise to x86_64 ones... and there isn't options in the smaller end for arm6410:16
Ketoplus a lot of other unknows... so at least in the short term it's not going to happen10:18
rinigusKeto: I can imagine that its many changes to make it happen. maybe I can find some kind of a benchmark case to demonstrate the performance10:28
rinigusand, indeed, its not a solution that we can expect in short time :)10:28
piggz[m]rinigus: maybe mal was able to reproduce the errors .... lets see .... qtsensors has reproduced the error in the qmltyperegistrar program, producing file again with bad permissions17:06
riniguslet's hope so. but there is always a next one behind the corner, unfortunately17:57
riniguspiggz: ^17:57
malI haven't yet been able to reproduce that failure locally17:59
piggz[m]mal: has anyone else tried? pls try with an sdk install18:04
rinigusmal and piggz : looks like its endless errors on OBS: . but probably mal is already aware of it19:11
malit's probably the same bug in all19:20
riniguslooks like it19:25

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