Saturday, 2024-09-28

riniguslooks like packages in SFOS don't have cmake(<component>)  in provides section. or am I missing something?14:01
malrinigus: any example which package should have that?14:02
rinigusmal: in fedora SPECs, we can see cmake(Qt6Core) (for example our packages are missing it in provides. and when searching for any examples in SFOS using `zypper search -r --provides 'cmake(*)'`, I don't get any hits14:04
rinigusmaybe command is wrong. checking on opensuse...14:06
riniguscorrect was zypper search --provides 'cmake(*)'. many hits in suse, nothing in SFOS14:07
mallooks like we are missing that from cmake, this one
maland the matching .req file14:10
rinigusmal: would be handy to have it. in future SFOS :)14:12
malit seems there is a task about that but it hasn't been done yet, maybe next time when I update cmake14:12
malprobably time to update it anyway14:13
rinigusgreat! at least then I know that its not our own qt6 packaging to blame14:13
enderany ideas: my sailfishos update has been stuck at downloading since yesterday – the progress bar is barely 1mm thick16:13
maltry again16:13
enderI tried restarting the phone16:13
malanything in journal log?16:14
endernothing relevant in journalctl I can see, though I'm not exactly sure what I should be looking for16:15
malanything packagekit for example16:15
enderah, found the problem – the storeman repo cer expired16:19
riniguspiggz and mal : one bug that prevents fully packaging qttools: . workaround is skipping qdoc builds18:34
x2sender: open repos is back18:34
malrinigus: ok, we have those PRs to update llvm/clang, need to check that while testing those18:51
rinigusmal: thank you20:48
malrinigus: :)20:56
rinigusThat's fast!20:58
malvery simple thing to do it seems20:59
malobs reports now for example "cmake(LLVM) = 15.0.7" as one of the Provides of llvm-devel package21:00

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