Sunday, 2024-09-29

rinigusmal: added your cmake to the project and ...06:46
rinigusKeto and mal: I am hitting "No space left on device" at OBS. sorry for bringing it up06:46
Ketorinigus: where? in build?07:32
rinigusKeto: yes, in build07:38
rinigusKeto: example:
rinigus(probably should have sent it on monday, sorry for bothering with it on the weekend)07:39
Ketoyou need _constraints then07:41
rinigusKeto: will try, thanks!07:45
Keto ;)07:46
rinigusKeto: and it worked this time again - thank you! :)08:17
*** poetaster is now known as Guest486408:22
poetastercan one use the crash reporter with sailjailed apps?09:48
piggz[m]mal: rinigus: keto: I think qt6-base aarch64 just keeps rebuilding?
riniguspiggz: I have seen that before. will stop and add _constraints12:55
rubdos[m]Sorry peeps I broke by using caps lock when editing the URL manualy16:26
rubdos[m]"Not found content/sailfishos-docs/sailfishsilica-qt5/latest/qml-sailfishsilica-sailfish-silica-DIALOG.html"16:50
rubdos[m]Apparently, requesting the URL with modified caps doesn't normalize server side, but it does normalize on the proxy or something. So now the DIALOG page is in cache16:51
rubdos[m](should that have gone through vulnerability disclosure? 😁)16:51
malbut what change broke that?16:53
rubdos[m]No change at all. My GET request to seems to have broken it.17:04
rubdos[m](and now me pasting it here won't really help the cause)17:04
Ketowell, that's an interesting bug...17:12
Ketocleared the cache, so it works now, but probably need to figure out a proper fix...17:19
rubdosDefinitely interesting. Had to triple check that it wasn't any local cache by having someone else at the hackathon open the page too21:10

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