Tuesday, 2024-10-08

rinigusKeto: regarding native builders at OBS. I realized that we could use suse as an example on what's possible. here is an example build of qtwebengine: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/KDE%3AQt6/qt6-webengine05:40
rinigustook 3.75h on x86 and 5.5 hours on aarch64.05:40
rinigusunfortunately, couldn't find specs for those workers. only RAM constraints at osb05:41
rinigusbut it is still some indication05:41
* piggz[m] uploaded an image: (207KiB) < https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AaW_FAgTWH9o3BmJs67I7r0hGPe2CTx_DsWxQfaZaOfBrNfb20agiekMhd5nJIkn7DroV2qqOCnEcZ18pBgXfr9CeSbK2rdwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvellITXlYek9obFJNWk9Rc1hMT2FVU2dq >07:09
piggz[m]Matrix sends messages from the future :)07:09
b100dian[m]Yes. Hydrogen somehow doesn't regresh current date while in conversation07:24
b100dian[m]Actually: at all07:24
*** rdr_ is now known as rdr09:05
Mister_Magisterguys with latest sfossdk debugging doesn't work, gdb just crashes :/17:39
Mister_Magisterrinigus: hm, the dbus api of puremaps doesn't launch puremaps19:24
Mister_Magisterdid you forget to add service file?19:24
rinigusMister_Magister: not sure it was even planned to start it from dbus.19:46
Mister_Magisterwell it should!19:47
rinigussubmit an issue and let's see when I will manage to get there19:49

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