Thursday, 2024-10-10

rubdos[m]How does one check whether a page is currently actively in view in QML?09:42
rubdos[m]i.e., currently the visible page on pageStack + app is open and visible09:43
Miika[m]I have done it like this:10:19
NicoYep, current active page you can check via the page status10:21
NicoBut the visible logic doesn't tell you much, that is set by the application (and you are using bit wise operations for some reason?)10:21
Miika[m]I can't remember the logic, but that at least gave me what I needed10:24
NicoI think you can use instead to see if the app is active10:27
rubdos[m]Miika works! The application state thing of Nico doesn't seem to work.10:54
rubdos[m]* ```10:54
rubdos[m]        running: ( && games.gameCount > 010:54
rubdos[m]            && overviewPage.status === PageStatus.Active && overviewPage.visible)10:54
Miika[m]Ruben De Smet: I'm glad if it was helpfull :)12:02
coffeecreatureSo besides Sony and first-party hardware, what's the current best phone to run SFOS on?13:11
coffeecreatureIn terms of speed and feature-completedness13:11
x2snot sure if I'm lucky that my X is too old for this...19:22

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