Saturday, 2024-10-12

*** kimmoli_ is now known as kimmoli04:05
rinigusthey are only ones that have blobs for 14 (from june).06:30
rinigusunfortunately, sodp doesn't have any kind of status page that would list working functionality for each platform.06:31
riniguswould be helpful when selecting a new port target06:31
*** rubdos_ is now known as rubdos07:43
b100dian[m]Oh, they have older A14 blobs, didnt nitice that10:35
direc85[m]<rubdos[m]> "How does one check whether a..." <- 😉11:10
rubdosWell that's awkward11:16
rubdosbut that indeed uses the pageStack, which I didn't really need :)11:16
direc85[m]It just has multiple requirements, to get the desired behavior.15:29
x2sb100dian[m]: are they too old maybe?19:26
b100dian[m]Probably the ones shipped by jolla without camera etc. So: no news yet..22:19

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