Sunday, 2024-10-13

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rinigusKeto: some other tests with native builds. qtwebengine 6.7 was built in 4 hours on Oracle Cloud using VM.Standard.A2.Flex shape with 24gb ram / 50gb storage. ram and storage probably can be reduced a bit17:30
rinigus"processor-description": "3.0 GHz Ampere AmpereOne (Siryn)"17:30
attahhow many cores?17:57
rinigus4 cores18:05
rinigus4 cpus / 8 cores18:05
attahvery decent then18:07
piggz[m]rinigus: have you had to start spending real money?18:39
riniguspiggz: not yet. they give 250EUR for testing. so that would go from that. as far as I understood, while the servers are stopped they don't charge you (has to be stopped from oci side).19:28
rinigusmonthly cost for running this config 24x7 is below 75eur. qt6 compile would probably be done in 12h which would make few euros19:28
rinigusso, right now, no problem19:29
rinigusour time is way more valuable ...19:29
b100dian[m]rinigus: just curious, what was another equivalent-ish build time for docker or another virtualized aarch64 solution on x64? I see AmpereOne is a "thing" of 92+ cores north of $4.7k the CPU20:19
b100dian[m]A solution based on cpu emulation will probably be much slower, but by how much? Asking if workers could be just refactored into vboxes running the worker instead of running SB220:21
b100dian[m]supersonik in the next issue ?20:27
piggz[m]ha, maybe20:28
piggz[m]ive been using it in my car20:28
Venemohey guys. sorry for asking here, but can someone explain what happened exactly to Jolla? do I understand correctly that they are now operating under a different company? if so, what happened to the old company?21:49
makrolonpart of the ownership of the old company was in russia due to the earlier co-operation with rostelecom. since the war in Ukraine and related sanctions, this very quickly became an unbearable situation.21:56
makrolonlast year, there was a restructuring which resulted in the business being transferred to a new company (or two, afaik). as of june 2024, according to the Finnish business registry, the old company is officially bankrupt.21:56

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