Thursday, 2024-10-17

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest663111:36
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riniguspiggz: when we get to builds at obs working, we will need updated linux-glibc-devel . without it, qt6-qtmultimedia fails18:24
rinigusand updating this package is out of scope for chum :(18:25
piggz[m]could we add native-common as a dep on chum? that would satisfy the BuildRequires .. and shouldnt actually install anything to user devices?18:32
piggz[m]rinigus: ^^18:34
riniguspiggz: yes, that would work.18:34
piggz[m]would only be needed on the 4.6+ repos18:35
piggz[m]plus ... not something we need to worry about right now, as OBS builds dont work :)18:36
riniguspiggz: for i486 they do work18:39
rinigusexcept qtwebengine18:39
piggz[m]ah true18:39
piggz[m]but, those users are countable on fingers and toes18:39
rinigusthen what do we do - make a single package and dump it all there? using tbuilder RPMs18:40
piggz[m]for aarch64, yes i think18:41
piggz[m]we could do i486 properly, and add the dep18:41
rinigusyes, that is with the hope that we can get obs builds back one day18:42
piggz[m]assuming its too late for sb2 to be fixed for 5.0 ... maybe the target for a fixed version will be 5.1 ?18:42
rinigusnot sure. they may have sb2 releases done separately from SFOS itself18:42
rinigusbased on the meeting today, we have to mainly sit and refresh mailbox . I am sure sb2 fix will hit mailboxes any second now18:43
piggz[m]ok, i wont go out tonight just in case18:43
rinigusits actually nice that they work on it. I wouldn't know where to even start18:44
rinigusOK, I will add external dependency for i486. I suspect that will initialize some crazy rebuild of full obs in chum:testing18:45
riniguspiggz: also, right now, there is no solution for arm 32 bit18:48
rinigusI haven't checked if I can run armv7 on aarch64. should do that18:48
piggz[m]rinigus: ... mal had an idea about that ...18:48
piggz[m]perhaps try to wrap that in to rpm conditional for the arch18:51
piggz[m]and add it to the cxx flags18:51
rinigusshould that work with sb2?18:52
piggz[m]well, we might still hit permission errors18:54
rinigusI'll look into presage first. and as I don't have any armv7 device anymore its becoming a bit remote issue...18:55
piggz[m]i have a pro1 which is arm32, but i dont use it...18:56
riniguspresage fixed in testing. will have to wait for reviews to tag the latest version and release it19:21

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