Friday, 2024-10-18

piggz[m]rinigus: what benefits will the new presage bring?13:53
riniguspiggz: mainly to keep in sync with debian packaged version. external and maintained tinyxml2 is now used instead of local code15:53
riniguspiggz: before dealing with armv7, maybe we should push all to chum?16:05
piggz[m]yeah, happy with that16:06
rinigusOK, will start now...16:06
rinigusqt6 has landed in chum:testing for aarch6417:17
rinigusi486 is the next...17:17
rinigusi486 with all supported qt6 packages are in testing as well18:05
nephrosCongrats, and thank you both!18:55
nephrosI piggy-back on your efforts, and have submitted two more related packages (qt5compat and qtkeychain).18:57
nephrosIf there's interest in any of the k** things in let me know, I can tar_git them and add as well.18:58
nephrosrinigus: I noticed qtbasecomes with somethning called [...]/platformthemes/libqxdgdesktopportal.so19:29
nephrosI guess I should revisit my Portals project.19:30
rinigusnephros: I already have couple of your packages in the list:
rinigussituation is rather silly - I have to start rebuilds manually when we want to add something under tbuilder and then push results at obs19:52
rinigusif package is such that it builds at obs and nothing which fails at obs depends on it, we can add directly to obs.19:53
riniguswhich means we would have to manually switch on/off their targets too (right now I run a script for updates).19:53
rinigusbut if not, I don't mind running those builds daily or so. its gonna build only new packages and keeps old ones in cache19:54
rinigusso, feel free to add them. looks like you packaged quite interesting ones :)19:55
rinigusnephros: ^19:55
rinigusif you can, add them at obs and in or corresponding qt6 file.19:56
rinigusgreat to have you onboard!19:56
nephrosrinigus: thanks! :)19:59
nephrosrinigus: not sure I follow though - so if a package is bitten by the __fxstatatatatat bug, what's the best way to get it into chum:testing?20:00
nephrosad it to packages.kf6 and you'll pick it up?20:00
nephrosor submit (as failing) to :testing and you'll figure it out? :)20:00
rinigusThe both options are good. I have a script that makes adding new packages to tbuilder simple, so it's not a big deal for me. Ideally, add at OBS and into kf6 file plus keep only successful build at OBS, as done now. Then all I'll have to go would be adding to my aarch64 builds20:06
rinigusnephros: ^20:07
nephrosRight, okay, will do.20:07
nephrosBut first I'll need to get my C2 so I can actually test all those build results ;)20:07
rinigus:) you have 32 bit only?20:08
nephrosAs i486 is the only "safe" one, and the Jolla Tab is the only i486 device, testing is a bit of a hassle...20:08
nephrosNah, but my X10iii is still on 4.4.20:08
nephrosdaily driver and very much hacked-in-a-lot-of-places device so didn't dare the update.20:09
nephrosI plan on going to 5.x (the ESR91 version). I see no benefits in the releases up until that (and I loathe the Android icon thing rom 4.5).20:11
nephrosrinigus: about packages that are neither qt6 not kf6, but just k-something, or kpim: where should they go? also to the kf5 repo/list?20:14
nephrosOr shall we make new "categories" like kpim6, kapps6?20:15
nephroskpim6-kmime comes from
nephroswhile kosmindoormap comes from
nephrosboth doe not follow the kf6 or qt6 version (6.7.0 or 6.6.0), but rather 24.08.2 which I guess is the KDE Plasma version?20:18
nephrosMy proposal would be a new file/list in the kf5 repo, which follow the 24.xx.yy versioned packages.20:21
malso you didn't go to qt 6.8 which would have been lts20:56
b100dian[m]Pretty sure the SB2 bug was filed in September and Qt6.8 launched in October20:59
b100dian[m]so they must've started before that was available20:59
malsure, but bumping version is not that big amount of work21:00
malat least for me :)21:00
b100dian[m]There are some manual steps if I understand correctly21:02

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