Sunday, 2024-10-20

riniguspiggz and nephros: kf6 macro has been updated (piggz PR) and I have added into tbuilder kf6 libs failing at obs. started the rebuilds at obs and tbuilder06:55
piggz[m]Rinigus: for packages that build ok on obs, we keep on obs? I have 2 new ones, syndocate and threadweaver07:09
riniguspiggz: yes, unless something that doesn't build and depends on them. please add with obs request - I will pick them up later and add to .qt6 or similar lists for our updating pleasure07:10
nephrosNaming things is always the hardest.07:18
nephrosRegarding PR12, I guess we should be using a kde- prefix for libraries and pim things.07:20
rinigusnephros and piggz: do we discuss naming ( here or at github? piggz would have to catch up ...07:20
rinigusnephros: yes, would be simpler to limit it to one extra prefix07:21
rinigusdo we add 6 to it or keep just kde?07:22
nephrosWell, they don't have a version 6.x so I'd say no.07:23
nephrosSome/Most of them can be built against qt5 as well.07:23
nephrosShould somwthing come in from Plasma we could do a kp6-07:24
rinigusOK, then it would be easier maybe just kde-07:25
rinigusand if users want to uninstall it in one go, zypper rm qt6* kf6 should do the job07:25
nephrosAnother thing:
nephrosCould that be made to operate on kf_version? As KDE packages have 24.xx.y %version, so BuildRequires: kf6-foo >= %{majmin_ver_kf6} does not work right now.07:38
rinigusnephros: do we then have to define kf_version in macros.kf6? I guess it will be then _kf6_version?07:43
nephrosMy plan would be to have kf_version defined in the .spec as usual. I mean I can just not use majmin_ver_kf6 and set the min version another way.07:45
nephrosI just thought it looks cleaner if it's done the same way in kde- and kf6- packages.07:47
rinigusnot sure I have used majmin_ver_kf6 in kf specs. maybe used kf_version instead. in some sense would be good to follow fedora where it makes sense - easier for us later to copy if needed07:49
rinigushow do they do it/07:49
rinigusqt6-prebuilt is updated right now, new macro and updated kf6 libs should be soon available07:50
nephrosI "discovered" majmin_ver_kf6 in the kf6-kirigami.spec which I used as a template for my submissions.07:52
jordHi there07:53
nephrosI guess that was a Fedora spec once.07:54
nephrosjord: hello07:54
jordBeen having a bug on SFOS for quite a while - when I plug in headphones I get a whirring sound from them - probably from the mic07:54
jordrunning ncpamixer seems to fix the problem but I was wondering how to write a systemd unit/script to autorun on boot for it... as i understand07:55
jordncpamixer needs ncurses/a terminal to run from right?07:55
jordthat or i'm looking for the right command to run with pactl, thanks :)08:02
rinigusnephros: I guess so.08:03
nephrosjord: so simply starting ncpamixer fixes it? Or do you enable/disable sthg?08:41
jordnephros: yeah starting ncpamixer seems to fix it, also strangely from debugging running pamon fixes it too08:51
jordI'm not quite sure what sink i need to find to mute it08:51
nephrosjord: well  can't help you findong the right incantation, but if you have a command that fixes it non-interactively, it should be easy to make a systemd unit, crontab entry or something else that runs that.09:05
jordnephros: yeah the only problem is that ncpamixer won't run without being in a terminal afaik09:07
jordmb had to reboot, yeah if i could cron it somehow that might work09:10
jordI fucking hate systemd09:18
jordnephros: so I wrote a systemd unit to just run pamon09:43
piggz[m]mal: rinigus  QML cache gen fails also in kasts... works locally, and app is running well
jordits got rid of it, but the downside is it's probably constantly running so sleep won't work as well, as a guess09:44
jordI have no idea why this works but eh *shrugs*09:46
rinigus%define jollastore 109:47
riniguspiggz: during the meeting "ViGe: It might be that the easiest fix is to accelerate qmltyperegistrar ..." . no idea what it means. maybe we could get that "easy" fix for obs?09:47
rinigus(ignore jollastore line)09:47
nephrosrinigus: I think 'accelerate' means running tools on the host.
rinigusnephros: host is what - x86? and then cross-compile?10:42
rinigusI don't know what exactly qmlcachegen does and I am not sure it supports cross-compilation. should be possible to run using qemu though10:48
nephrosrinigus: AFAIK the sb2 system runs *some* things on the x86 host system, and others under qemu. e.g. cmake is one of those.10:58
nephrosAbout cross-compiling, there's a section about that in the Qt docs. You build the base tools for the host and point th Qt build system to those.10:59
riniguslet's see what they will come up with to solve this annoying bug :)11:03
nephrosrinigus: I can has write/push access to sailfishos-chum/kpublictransport.git plz?12:17
rinigusjust a sec12:17
rinigusnephros: done12:21
jordnephros: thanks for the ideas I finally just gave up on trying to figure out why my left headphone was static all the time (mic)14:46
jordI made a systemd service that uses pamon to run a raw audio stream all the time, seems to stop when taking calls/mic works fine then it goes back to blocking out the static14:47
jordI don't know why it works, but it does... tried a ton of pactl commands/pulseaudio config but nothing else worked14:47
nephrosjord: hmmm, if it runs all the time that may prevent device sleep - not ideal if so.15:03
jordnephros: yep, i'm surprised this hasn't come across on the forums before15:33
jordI even tried reflashing but that did nothing, it's not the headphones either because they work perfectly with other things15:33
nephrosjord: which device?15:37
jordXperia 10 III15:37
jordNot sure how else to fix it tbh :)15:47
jordIt's a hacky solution but it works15:47
malwhich headset?16:09
piggz[m]rinigus: i apparnetly dont have enough ram to compile 1 file in tokodon, devs told me it was a "big" file!
piggz[m]rinigus: nephros if either of you have plenty of ram, could you try building tokodon locally from the kf6 branch pls16:40
jordmal: they're some cheap iems, truthear holas16:42
nephrospiggz[m]: all my machines are ancient - how much is "plenty"?16:44
piggz[m]nephros: i allocated 12gb to the virtualbox sdk!!!16:44
riniguspiggz: should be no problem. I can allocate at OCI rather large amounts16:45
nephrosoh my..16:45
riniguspiggz: repo url please16:46
nephrosso I am ready to submit kde-foo packages. Are fine with that prefixing?16:46
rinigusyes, sounds good. piggz ?16:46
piggz[m]whats the definition of that prefix?16:47
piggz[m]things that are not frameworks?16:48
nephrospiggz[m]: yes, packages from KDE that are neither plasma nor frameworks.16:49
nephrosbut have the ame versioning (24.08.2 at the moment).16:49
piggz[m]sure ... fine by me ...16:49
nephrosfor building kde-kitinerary this is needed:
piggz[m]thats what apps like kasts and tokodon have as the version...16:50
nephrospiggz[m]: then you can manage them using packages.kde from
riniguspiggz: build failed with patching
riniguspiggz: if I drop that patch, it fails with cmake error:
riniguslooks like some dependencies are missing16:56
* attah went looking for why someone might want poppler old/unstable - found exactly zero code search results16:57
riniguspiggz: and tips on how much ram is needed...16:57
nephrosattah: do not know why but kitinerary wants them.16:59
attahHmmm.. yeah, that looks pretty well entangled17:02
riniguspiggz: just saw in your messages in kirigami room. ok, we can just allocate 64GB ram for now and see how it goes17:02
attahImage extraction and such17:02
piggz[m]Rinigus: will fix shortly17:03
riniguspiggz: great. instance is getting modified and I can start it after some "short" time. no idea what are we talking about17:04
rinigushelps to complain - starting17:04
rinigusnephros: added that list. now will check which are failing and need to be prebuilt17:11
nephrosrinigus: sorry which list?17:13
nephrosah ok.17:13
nephrosfailing ones are kf6-prison and kf6-kcalendarcore17:15
rinigusthanks! added and soon will be uploaded17:21
riniguspiggz: added kf6-sonnet-devel kf6-kitemmodels-devel to requirements, but still something is missing.
piggz[m]rinigus: is patch 3 getting applied?17:55
riniguspiggz: this one is: 0003-add-sailfish-support.patch17:57
piggz[m]thats the one17:57
piggz[m]-- Could NOT find KF6 (missing: ColorScheme) (found suitable version "6.6.0", minimum required is "6.0.0")17:58
piggz[m]add kf6-kcolorscheme-devel :)17:58
riniguspiggz: building!18:00
riniguspiggz: all built, now issues with the missing files in packages18:07
rinigusram didn't go more than 1.5gb for gcc18:07
rinigusnative vs sb2?18:07
piggz[m]huh ... i tried both gcc and clang in the sfdk18:08
piggz[m]both crached ... clang said OOM, gcc the segfaulted18:08
rinigustelling you - we all should go just native (or qemu of not available)18:09
piggz[m]seems so!18:10
piggz[m]send me the rpm when done ... i will need to do a new patch for using qt-runner in the .desktop file right?18:10
rinigusyes, that failed18:10
riniguspiggz: here is the current diff: . please add to your changes, I am using readonly access from that server18:12
riniguspiggz: unpackaged files now. updated diff
piggz[m]ha, just pushed... will add these18:18
rinigusnotice changes in 5->618:18
piggz[m]rinigus: pushed18:19
riniguspiggz: I'll pull only when all is done :)18:19
riniguspiggz: and final diff - that worked
piggz[m]rinigus: that looks like it should match the current kf6 branch, but the branch has a fixed patch 000218:40
riniguspiggz: there was one dot too much. in scalable/actions/%{name}*.svg18:41
piggz[m]rinigus: pushed18:43
malnephros: does that poppler PR really work correctly, wouldn't that include all headers in devel and the some of those in private-devel, that %{_includedir}/poppler in devel package will include everything, so either you need to use exclude for the file you don't want in devel package or specifically list files you want in both20:59
malfor it to work there should not be any overlap because private-devel and devel because private-devel requires devel21:01
nephrosmal: according to my tests, it works as intended, with no overlap. private-devel includes /usr/include/*.h plus some subdirs. the plain -devel has only the cpp, qt5, and glib subdirs.21:22
nephrosnote it's  %{_includedir}/poppler/*.h, not  %{_includedir}/poppler/21:23
malhmm, wondering if there is some new feature in rpm or what which handles the overlaps automatically because I remember in the past exclude was used22:42
malor if it works because the Requires so it makes sure the those can be installed at the same time22:43
nephrosmal: The trick is, IIRC, that without the "build private headers" build option, %includedir is empty, except for the cpp, qt5, and glib subdirs.22:47
nephrosOnce you build with private headers, a bunsh of .h files appear in the include dir, plus some new subdirs.22:47
nephrosbecause of this, there is no overlap in the %files directives in the two packages.22:48
nephrosNow, what *could* happen, and I have not checked that, is that private headers also appear in  cpp, qt5, and glib subdirs.22:49

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