Monday, 2024-10-21

*** phlixi is now known as Guest695909:17
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malnephros: I tested that poppler build on obs and devel package includes everything, private-devel only some of the files which are listed in spec10:54
malI mean private-devel contained the files as listed in spec but there is overlap because devel package includes everythin10:55
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*** amccarthy is now known as Guest697813:11
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nephrosmal: Sorry. You were right and I was very wrong.13:32
nephrosmal: hopefully imprved version now at the PR.15:00
rinigusmal and piggz: I have added abseil-cpp packaged by Jolla to chum for older SFOS versions (below 4.6). looks like this lib was added from 4.6 and it is required by latest s2geometry (used by pure maps).18:39
rinigusI have set default config to build-disable and enabled then for older SFOS versions18:40
rinigusthat way when new SFOS releases will come out it will not start building for them18:40
rinigusif you find that this addition is not in agreement with chum policy, I18:41
riniguswill remove it.18:41
rinigusits currently in chum:testing only18:41
piggz[m]rinigus: seems ok by me18:55

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