Friday, 2024-10-25

*** rubdos_ is now known as rubdos05:07
rinigusKeto: but we talk right now about trimming chum only, not all build targets at obs, right? sounds like somewhat strange design if downstream users can block upstream from changing targets05:28
nephrosrinigus: about abseil-cpp, in addition to disabling build in meta, I have added additional "safety measures" in the .spec for this package here:
nephrosMaybe this fits the abseil case as well. REasoning being that someone might change the Pkg Meta, and the spec would still not build06:52
rinigusnephros: That's a good idea! I'll try to remember and fix it tonight07:07
rinigusnephros: looking at abseil - it is pulled directly from jolla's repos. so, cannot add that change  unless we fork it.14:46
nephrosrinigus: Ah I see. Well, there's trickery you can do in a _link file, patching the _service:foo.spec file, but that's hackish and quite a bit of effort.14:57
nephrosi.e. not worth doing :)14:58
rinigusLet's just agree in not touching that meta ;)15:05
rinigusAlthough I could add a message in description15:06

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