Saturday, 2024-10-26

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Mister_Magistermal: there seem to be problem with video decoding on c2 huh… did you work on it? :P13:08
malwhich codec?13:09
Mister_Magistervp9, just try using microtube in landscape13:09
Mister_Magistermy user reported it to me13:09
* Mister_Magister does nobody at jolla use my apps13:10
malwell I almost never watch videos on my phones except when testing codecs13:14
Mister_Magisterthough it could be false alarm, i'll get back to you once i confirm it13:14
Mister_Magisteruser tried super duper wide video xd13:14
Mister_Magistermeanwhile you don't happen to know how to debug transferengine? xd13:15
Mister_Magister oh i think i need to update the plugin13:15
Mister_Magistermal: confirmed13:18
Mister_Magisterits only present on c213:18
Mister_Magisterand its even with 16:913:18
malfirst video I tested played just find, need to enable again some logging to be sure hw codec is used, I had some log silencing testing on the device13:18
Mister_Magisteri mean microtube is only using hw codec, its unable to use sw codec13:19
Mister_Magisterhm, maybe the device has weird aspect ratio and its on my side still, not sure13:19
Mister_Magisterlike beside the vertical bar of transparency on the left, video itself is fine so it could be my issue13:20
malcan you ask which video13:20
Mister_Magisterand i could be barking wrong tree and bothering poor mal with issue in my app13:20
Mister_Magisterit seems all videos13:20
malthe video I use works fine13:20
Mister_Magisterbut do you have transparent thingy on the left?13:20
Mister_Magisterlike in the pic i sent13:21
malI haven't been able to open that image13:21
Mister_Magisterdns problem perhaps13:21
Mister_Magistermaybe c2 is just SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER wide13:22
maloh, you mean that left bar13:22
malah, I thought you meant videos don't work13:22
Mister_Magisteryeah sorry13:22
Mister_Magisteron all other devices the black background reaches the end13:22
Mister_Magisterits using page.width so should be able to reach13:23
Mister_Magistermaybe its sfos 5 changes13:23
malthat is probably related to the notch support13:23
malmaybe a bug in it13:23
Mister_Magisteri mean i ahve notch config on my device and its fine13:23
Mister_Magisterbut its 4.613:23
Mister_Magisterits probably something to do with notch yeah13:24
malyeah 5.0 adds more notch things13:27
malneed to create an internal bug13:27
Mister_Magisteri like fixing bugs that way, just have someone else do it :P13:31

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