Sunday, 2024-10-27

piggz[m]nephros: did the portal stuff ever progress?21:59
raphmanpiggz[m]: I noticed ofono-binder-plugin-ext-qti. Installing the package on my Pro1-X shows a VoLTE (beta) option in the network settings - but it is "not registered". What is the state of this plugin / is there any way to enable VoLTE on the Pro1-X right now?22:02
b100dian[m]Pretty sure that is in development and not working right now22:10
piggz[m]<raphman> "piggz: I noticed ofono-binder-..." <- Ive not yet tried it myself, but its very alpha22:18
raphmanpiggz[m]: I see.23:08
raphmanpiggz[m]: I flashed your latest image from 2023 to my Pro1-X and have two persisting issues: call audio (non-volte) does not work at all, and the hw keyboard generates a an evdev shift-slash keycombo when I press the "รถ" button - which makes it impossible to remap the key in xkb. Any hints where I should look to debug both issues?23:25

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