Monday, 2025-02-10

malchum testing has 5.0 build now, please check the status and fix any issues12:33
malin case someone wonders about those .a file issues, the usual way to do that is is disabling static build is not possible is to use in %install section in spec this: find %{buildroot} -name \*.a -delete12:45
nephrosCool! Clicky for build problems:
nephrosoops, that's uglier than I thought. Sorry.13:16
nephrosmal: I have seen a repo for keyutils appear in the Jolla github orga. Do you know if there will be a package of this shipped with SFOS in the near future? Because there is a keyutils pckage currently in Chum, and we would have to reture that.14:06
mal5.1 will have that keyutils14:17
nephrosmal: thanks, good to know.14:28
nephrosWhy is is it that those packages that fail because of .a files, x86 isn't affected, only arm targets are?18:10
malI was wondering the same, no idea18:17
malsomething how cross builds work, still odd though18:17
nephrosalso, for Imagemagick, it is not unpackaged .a files that make it fail, but nonexisting .la files.18:36

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