Tuesday, 2025-02-11

*** phlixi is now known as Guest874310:03
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Mister_MagisterDid yottagram just fokin die?10:51
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nephrosWhat does "bso" stand for? Business Sailfish OS? Blue? Better? Boring?16:46
Ketonephros: bso is for build.sailfishos.org. assuming you are referring to the rpm release suffix on packages built on obs for 5.018:01
Ketothought that it would good to have some identifier for the community built packages18:02
nephrosKeto: Ah! Makes sense. I thought the 'jolla' thing was dropped and replaced by it.  Good change, it was always a bit weird to get a foo-X.y.1.jolla package on OBS.18:06
*** ggabriel is now known as Guest878219:23

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