Wednesday, 2025-02-26

Rrogalskiihello, im on sfos, and Im trying to either * switch to a new tty, or * kill lipstick to get to a tty. no chvt implementation has any effects. any pointers? thanks20:10
Rrogalskiikillall lipstick just makes the screen flicker20:10
attahWhat would be the use-case for that?20:13
Rrogalskiiwill i need to reconfig my kernel ;-;20:14
Rrogalskiiattah, starting x in a chroot20:14
attahpossibly; if it doesn't work that sounds somewhat likely20:15
attahWhat device is this?20:15
Rrogalskiifxtec pro1x20:15
attahyeah, nah20:16
Rrogalskiisway also would work :>20:16
Rrogalskiihm ig i need to download my kernel sources and play around then, maybe something was removed20:18
Rrogalskiity regardless20:18

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