Friday, 2025-02-28

nephrosQuick question: will  QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture() return arm or arm64 on a 32-bit-on-64bit-kernel Sailfishos device?09:50
nephrosThe fact that OBS on 5.0 removes .a files on i586 but leaves them around on arm, while doing the opposite for .la files is extremely annoying. Can this be fixed pls?12:17
malnephros: we did have plenty of commits like "Remove static libraries" in various repos for 5.013:43
malthe reason is that we changed the rpm macros13:44
nephrosmal: that is fine, but i586 doing different things here is - not great.13:50
malyeah, it's odd14:13
malnephros: those PRs do "find %{buildroot} -name \*.a -delete"14:14
malin %install section after %make_install14:14
malnot sure about the .la file14:14
malnephros: any example of that .la file issue?14:15
nephrosfor example. green on x86, red on arm14:43
nephrosNote that many of those actually *want* a static library.14:44
nephros(at least many of rinigus' packages AFAICS)14:45
nephrosworking version:
nephrosfrom the chum:testing libpostal, apply this:
nephrosNow .la file are OK, but it fails because it removes .a files. Again behaviour different between x86 and arm.14:47
nephrosfrom there, add "%define keepstatic 1" and you get your build ok everywhere.14:49
mariodoulosHello everyone : )19:22
rainemak[m]I'm on irc-matrix bridge and running community meetings usually on irc19:25
mariodoulosum ... okaaay!?19:35
mariodouloscan you maybe help me @rainemak[m] with the Jolla store page?19:36
mariodoulosI'll return19:39
nephroshi, me again! :) is the 5.0 version of nemonotifications-qt5-devel broken for anyone else?20:51
nephrosit can't find its own include files.20:51

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