Sunday, 2025-03-02

poetastercan someone remind me how I properly include chum repos in a package for depends? I have a number of repositories including chum:testing in my home folders meta, but that doesn't seem to be enough.18:56
poetasternephros, I'm trying to include python-wheel and getting resolution errors.19:00
marjahi all, I tried to upgrade to a few hours ago, but the phone keeps telling me "Even geduld..." ("Be patient for a short while"). What should I do now?19:32
malmarja: I assume you mean that you are in the upgrade UI with the progress bar? is the progress bar at the end?19:37
marjathere is no progress bar19:37
malin what kind of state is the phone now?19:37
malalso which device?19:37
marjamal: After downloading the new version, I chose to install it and left my phone. When I came back (not very much later) the screen was black, but pressing the button on the side made me see that message19:39
marjasony experia, not sure which one, XA2 maybe?19:39
marjaits a large phone19:40
marjaSony Xperia XA2 Ultra19:43
malmaybe press power button for some time to reboot it19:44
marjawill try19:44
malI had to check from sources which state would print that kind of message19:46
marjait rebooted and then showed that message very shortly. Don't know what is happening now, the screen is black19:48
marjamal: anyway, thanks for your help. should I retry, or wait longer?19:49
maldoes toggling display on or off with power buttong do anything?19:52
marjait had apparently turned itself off, when I attached it to the charger it booted again. No message, but light in the  upper right was blinking and is now constantly giving light... I'll try the toggling19:54
marjaNo luck trying to toggle... it only shows the battery is at 89%19:55
maloh, is usb connected?19:55
malif so disconnect it and then try rebooting with longer power press19:56
marjamal: you rock! that worked :-)19:58
malexplanation what happened: because usb was connected it ended up in charging-only mode and rebooting it with usb connected did the same19:59
marjamal: and it still runs the old version, I'll retry upgrading20:00
marjamal: I wasn't aware of the usb issue, usually I only upgrade with a well charged battery20:01
malusually it should not go there, not sure why it did in this case20:01
marjamal: thanks again for you help. Now running :-)   The phone hung shortly after typing the security code for the first time (haven't seen that before), but then continued. Everything that I checked works fine20:12
attahYeah, something about the recent releases has a very unnerving delay there :/20:19
malgood that update worked20:20

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