Sunday, 2025-03-09

*** phlixi is now known as Guest1097008:44
*** phlixi_ is now known as phlixi08:44
Ingvixhmph, the camera app doesn't seem to be inserting the orientation data to the pics it takes13:51
Ingvixall my portrait pics are on their sides13:51
attah...when you do what?14:16
attahMine look fine, both on and off device14:17
malwhich device?14:25
attahIngvix: ^14:27
Ingvixwhen I take a picture, attah14:27
attahWell, they can't look to be on their sides until you view them somehow14:28
attahAlso, as mal asked, with what device?14:29
Ingvixoh, well, if I view them on the camera app or anywhere14:29
Ingvixxperia 1014:29
attahIs this a new problem?14:31
IngvixI feel it started after upgrading to 5.014:31
malhmm, need to test on my x10 a bit later today14:32
Ingvixplease do14:42
IngvixI tried a quick search on the forum but didn't find relevant posts14:42
Ingvixso I'm unsure if it's just me or have people just not noticed yet14:43
attahDoes the gyroscope work otherwise?14:44
Ingvixit would seem so, the camera app also rotates as it should14:45
attahIngvix: it took a while; but now my old bent Xperia 10 (I) also runs
attahIt seems to save orientation correctly15:50
Ingvixoh, damn15:50
attahIf you run 'file' on a rightly-portrait and a falsely-portrait image, what do you get for orientation?15:53
attahI get upper-right for portrait and upper-left for landscape15:57
attah...and their opposites for portrait upside-down and the other landscape direction15:59
Ingvixattah, upper-left for failed portrait and upper-right for proper one16:01
attahQuite odd since the gyro seems to work16:02
attahDo you have any patches messing with orientations?16:03
Ingvixattah, not currently, since I think they somewhat recently enabled landscape in many of the stock apps16:12
attahI don't think camera settings can cause this; but could be worth nuking it just to test:
IngvixI shall try16:15
Ingvixyeah, no change16:16
Ingvixthe app launched from terminal does not output any error, nor does the system log16:24

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