Monday, 2025-03-10

tanriolIs there some modern way of installing avahi on sailfish? Openrepos has a build from 2015 and IIRC there were some problems with that when I had that on one of my old phones...07:32
attahtanriol: Probably not. What's the usecase?17:31
tanriolattah: The ability to use hostname with `ssh`/`sftp` instead of having to remember specific IPs (different in different WiFi networks, of course). Any other good ways to do that?18:06
attahMy router already does that by default for all hostnames on the network18:08
attahlike real DNS, not mDNS18:08
tanriolMy routers don't seem to do that, at least by default. I'll check the docs whether they can do that.18:27
attahOr maybe you have overridden the dns your computer uses?18:31
attahSure, i run OpenWRT and have since forever... but pretty sure i have seen off-the-shelf stuff do this too18:32
FireFlyoff-the-shelf fritzboxes do the same as well at least20:03
tanriolHm, looks like getting systemd-resolved to resolve single-label names with normal DNS is nontrivial, and making them non-single-label would need router configuration...20:05

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