Tuesday, 2025-03-11

piggz[m]mal: any plans for sailfish browser to enable webauthn? https://github.com/sailfishos/sailfish-browser/issues/106307:43
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malpiggz[m]: needs investigation how gecko communicates with low level things, didn't find it yet with quick look at sources13:03
piggz[m]mal: a bunch of stuff in dom/webauthn, but i presume you found that13:10
malyeah, couldn't find yet where exactly it writes/reads from nfc/bt/USB13:14
piggz[m]mal: this is the meta bug for tracking webauthn https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=129451414:36
Mister_Magisterflypig: YO, ping, i think you know what I wanna talk abou txd21:58

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