#mer-meeting: CalDAV/CardDAV Contributor Meeting
Meeting started by chriadam|windows at 09:00:38 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://sailfishos.org/wiki/CalDAV_and_CardDAV_Community_Contributions#06.2F02.2F2017_Meeting
- Introductions (chriadam|windows, 09:01:00)
- Chris Adams, developer at Jolla (chriadam|windows,
- Follow-up Agenda Items From Last Meeting (chriadam|windows, 09:11:16)
- Manual Testing + Test Scripts - Any Volunteers? (chriadam|windows, 09:13:33)
- cdavtool in
- Volunteers for MER#1714 - phone number fields have ISDN type appended during CardDAV sync (chriadam|windows, 09:18:31)
- Volunteers for MER#1689 - captive portal (wifi gateway) can cause failure reported as authentication issue (chriadam|windows, 09:19:32)
- Volunteers for MER#1624 - fall back to fully-specified calendar path without discovery support (chriadam|windows, 09:20:29)
- Volunteers for MER#1719 - provide information about WebCAL subscription requirements (chriadam|windows, 09:22:26)
- Any other business? (chriadam|windows, 09:23:09)
Meeting ended at 09:33:20 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- chriadam|windows (59)
- abranson (10)
- larstiq (5)
- merbot` (2)
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