#mer-meeting: Sailfish OS, Open Source, Collaboration 22nd of March 2017
Meeting started by Jaymzz_ at 09:00:39 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- meeting information and agenda can be found
- Since this meeting was going to be a
longer-than-usual session, I was forced to reduce the duration of
some of the topics by requests from sailors who have to do their
work! In case the time was not enough, we can continue the topic
during the next meeting (whenever we agree the time and date). I
also have moved the two related topics to the end of the meeting by
request. (Jaymzz_,
- Brief introduction (5 minutes). Please prefix your name/handle with # info (Jaymzz_, 09:01:44)
- James Noori, Community Manager, Jolla
- Lewis Rockliffe, community member (r0kk3rz,
- Vesa-Matti Hartikainen, Program Manager,
Jolla (veskuh,
- Martin Ebnoether, Community Member and
SailfishOS Fanboy (Venty,
- occirol, Community member (occirol,
- nh1402, community member and a sfdroid
guy (nh1402,
- Tomoshokas, Community member (tomoshokas,
- Aleksi Suomalainen, Nemo and Sailfish Community
member (locusf,
- Chris Adams, developer at Jolla (chriadam_,
- irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/#info
Juhani Lassila, Head of Communications, Jolla (jlassila,
- Simonas Leleiva, l10n'n'hw @ jolla (sledges,
- Raju , Community Member (libregeekingkid[,
- Pami Ketolainen, backend developer
@�Jolla (pketo,
- Martin Kolman, community member and modRana
developer (M4rtinK,
- irc://chat.freenode.net:6667/#info Juhani Lassila, Head
of Communications, Jolla (jlassila,
- eekkelund, Maemo Community council + community
member (eekkelund,
- Leif-Jöran Olsson, community (ljo,
- MWC Announcements Q&A (20 mins) Asked by c_la , backup: r0kk3rz (Jaymzz_, 09:07:27)
- This topic is shortened in duration as
explained before. The Q&A is going to be divided into 2
sections. The first section is to answer the top questions from TJC
Q&A page (
) and second, whatever time we have left in 20 minutes, will be
dedicated to community members asking their questions live. In case
there were unanswered questions left, we (Jaymzz_,
- https://together.jolla.com/question/157639/jolla-sony-xperia-qa/?sort=votes&page=1
- First question: How do we get Xperias running
Sailfish OS? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: So basically: the practical side of
things, i.e. how a user gets the Xperia Sailfish device are not
agreed fully yet. So unfortunately we will need to come back to this
at a later stage. (Jaymzz_,
- second question: Alien Dalvik support?
- Answer: Simply yes. (Jaymzz_,
- Third question: Will sony give jolla access to
the SW that powers its really good cameras so SFOS can fully exploit
them? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: For the camera, we cannot yet promise
that all the features of the camera are supported, but we are
working on it and we think that we are going to get great quality
pictures out of the camera. (Jaymzz_,
- Jonatan Walck, Community member (jwalck,
- Fourth question: How will the warranty be
handled? (Jaymzz_,
- Fifth question: To what extent are Sony
involved? Are they simply allowing their hardware to be ported
onto, or are they looking at becoming an official partner? In
essence, in the future, could we buy a Sony device running
SFOS? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer to the previous question: Not agreed
yet. (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: This is a collaboration between Jolla
and Sony Open Devices Program. The future regarding "buying a Sony
device with Sailfish OS" is under discussion, and will be announced
when we know. (Jaymzz_,
- Sixth question: When can we expect the first
Xperias with SFOS? I imagine it will be an official port of SFOS
onto an Xperia already running Android. If this is the case, will
there be a clear, step-by-step process to help those Jolla fans who
don't have great tech knowledge (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: We target to have something to offer at
the end of Q2. (Jaymzz_,
- Seventh question: Will the Dual Sim models be
supported if the single sim devices are going to receive
SFOS? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: Our first project is with the Xpreria X
device, further devices are still to be agreed and announced. Aim is
to support several Xpreria series devices. (Jaymzz_,
- Eighth question: End of June? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: Yes (Jaymzz_,
- Ninth question: Does the cooperation include
Xperia tablets? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: Our first project is with the Xpreria X
device, further devices are still to be agreed and announced.
- Tenth question: Will the devices be pure SFOS,
or will they be dual boot? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: Practicalities are undecided, but we
are considering both options single and dual boot. (Jaymzz_,
- Does this mean we should run out and buy
ourselves an xperia x with android today, getting sailfish and alien
dalvik on it after Q2 2017? (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: We should have answers relatively soon,
so I'd not run to a store today. Of course up to you. (Jaymzz_,
- Update PyOtherSide in Sailfish OS (10 min) Asked by M4tinK (Jaymzz_, 09:31:44)
- The PyOtherSide library, which makes it
possible to write powerful Python + QtQuick applications, is stuck
on version 1.4 on Sailfish OS. This version has some serious bugs
that have since been fixed in newer versions & is missing many
useful features provided by newer releases.The latest PyOtherSide
stable release is 1.5.1 and I've prepared a merge request for
updating to this version for the Mer core pyotherside package
( (Jaymzz_,
- https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/pyotherside/merge_requests/2
) As the PyOtherSide library keeps as stable API, has good test
coverage & my testing has not uncovered any issues I think there
should not be anything preventing the merge request from being
merged by the Mer pyotherside package maintainer.So I'd like to
formally ask for the merge request to be merged. I would also like
to know how long will it approximately take for (Jaymzz_,
- https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/pyotherside/merge_requests/2
- We don’t at the moment have an active
mainteiner for the PyOtherSide (Jaymzz_,
- ACTION: pketo to
check for pyotherside apps on harbour (Jaymzz_,
- Since this is 3rd party API would be good to
have someone familiar with the matter to check the things
discussed (Jaymzz_,
- This is good contribution and I think we should
be able to get this in 2.1.2 (Jaymzz_,
- Clarify and cleanup of Wiki's (20 min) Asked by pavi[m] (Jaymzz_, 09:46:50)
- We have currently 2 Wikis, one is at
https://wiki.merproject.org/ and the other is at
https://sailfishos.org/wiki/ . This issue concerns the visiblity of
three projects SailfishOS, Mer and Nemo. The three are related to
Mer but the information in the wiki is 1. Too confusing. 2.
Repeated, 3. Ambiguous, 4. Written in wrong place, 5. Outdated. I
hope some time is spent to discuss these issues. (Jaymzz_,
- https://wiki.merproject.org/
- https://sailfishos.org/wiki/
- Target is to open it up for community, but we
haven’t had time to proceed with that, and schedule is still looking
like it will not change during short term. (Jaymzz_,
- Nemo Mobile as community distribution for SailfishOS (60 min) Asked by locusf (Jaymzz_, 10:03:35)
- After giving this some thought, about what was
discussed at the previous Jolla community meeting at FOSDEM, I've
come up with an idea on how Nemo Mobile can make use of the open
source efforts of Jolla. It would be quite useful to have mer
feeding off of Fedora packages with the newest versions of stuff and
co-maintaining the middleware update effort with Fedora
community.But about how Fedora and Red Hat are related, I'd
like (Jaymzz_,
- Problem with using large part of desktop distro
is that they are optimized for different use cases, newer kernel,
different toolchain, desktop and server usecases etc. (Jaymzz_,
- If pyotherside update goes fine, we will know
the process for how the updates will be handled. M4tinK would be a
good maintainer. the process should be easier and documented
better. (Jaymzz_,
- https://build.merproject.org/package/show/mer:core:gcc53/gcc5
- ACTION: locusf to
create proposal for further discussion leading to nemo being as
staging for sailfish (locusf_,
- ACTION: locusf_ to
pull together a proposal to cover mer:nemo (tbc), feature
projects/bugs and the goal of nemo in supporting sfos. Eventually to
be reviewed and responded to by Jolla management. (lbt,
- General discussion (15 min) (Jaymzz_, 11:03:06)
- ACTION: Jaymzz to
discuss some collaboration possibilities with Alin Jerplea
- There is couple of things going on 1) OMP is
promoting Sailfish development in russia 2) New devices will help -
Jala, inoi, Xperia 3) New china partner will hopefully promote
similarly in china (Jaymzz_,
- The question to the above answer was: Is there
a plan to improve the app gap situation. Can jolla afford to
organise app devel workshops? (sledges,
- Question about NFC situation for Xperia devices
and Sailfish OS in general (Jaymzz_,
- Answer: Proper NFC support with useful set of
usecases is still a roadmap item and I can’t promise a schedule for
it at this point. (Jaymzz_,
- Having simple HW enabler is smaller item, but
things like audio routing, payment, support in Dalvik are bigger
items. (Jaymzz_,
- Next meeting time and date (5min) (Jaymzz_, 11:30:39)
- Next meeting will be held on 5th of April 2017
at 09:00 UTC (Jaymzz_,
Meeting ended at 11:35:32 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- pketo to check for pyotherside apps on harbour
- locusf to create proposal for further discussion leading to nemo being as staging for sailfish
- locusf_ to pull together a proposal to cover mer:nemo (tbc), feature projects/bugs and the goal of nemo in supporting sfos. Eventually to be reviewed and responded to by Jolla management.
- Jaymzz to discuss some collaboration possibilities with Alin Jerplea
Action items, by person
- locusf
- locusf to create proposal for further discussion leading to nemo being as staging for sailfish
- locusf_ to pull together a proposal to cover mer:nemo (tbc), feature projects/bugs and the goal of nemo in supporting sfos. Eventually to be reviewed and responded to by Jolla management.
- locusf_
- locusf_ to pull together a proposal to cover mer:nemo (tbc), feature projects/bugs and the goal of nemo in supporting sfos. Eventually to be reviewed and responded to by Jolla management.
- pketo
- pketo to check for pyotherside apps on harbour
People present (lines said)
- Jaymzz_ (130)
- lbt (59)
- M4rtinK (47)
- sledges (41)
- pavi[m] (37)
- locusf (37)
- veskuh (30)
- ApBBB (19)
- nh1402 (18)
- r0kk3rz (17)
- jlassila (16)
- M4rtinK_phone_ (7)
- c-la_ (7)
- locusf_ (7)
- c_la_phone (6)
- jwalck (5)
- occirol (4)
- chriadam_ (4)
- Coolgeek (3)
- merbot (3)
- pketo (3)
- kimmoli (2)
- eekkelund (2)
- Venty (2)
- abranson (1)
- libregeekingkid[ (1)
- tomoshokas (1)
- stephg (1)
- ljo (1)
- Drummer12_ (1)
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