#sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 16th May 2024

Meeting started by rainemak at 07:00:17 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 07:00:17)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-16th-may-2024/18513 (rainemak, 07:00:17)

  1. Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 07:00:19)
    1. Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 07:00:26)
    2. Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today (rainemak, 07:00:34)
    3. Matti Viljanen, community (direc85[m], 07:01:57)
    4. Pekka Vuorela, Jolla (pvuorela, 07:03:12)
    5. David Llewellyn-Jones community (__flypig, 07:06:02)

  2. Issues sending text messages w/ VoLTE enabled on Xperia 10 iii (10mins -- asked by Louis) (rainemak, 07:06:35)
    1. <Louis> After upgrading → I can’t send text messages on (rainemak, 07:06:41)
    2. <Louis> my Xperia 10 iii using TDC (largest Danish provider). Other (rainemak, 07:06:41)
    3. <Louis> providers also affected. Link: When VoLTE is active sending sms not (rainemak, 07:06:41)
    4. <Louis> possible - SFOS - #10 by Louis 2 - I would really (rainemak, 07:06:41)
    5. <Louis> appreciate if Jolla would trace what changes was made which led to (rainemak, 07:06:41)
    6. <Louis> this. (VolTE for Xperia 10 ii was introduced with this upgrade.). (rainemak, 07:06:42)
    7. <Louis> Still broken in (rainemak, 07:06:46)
    8. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/when-volte-is-active-sending-sms-not-possible-sfos-4-4-0-72/13174/10 (rainemak, 07:06:50)
    9. <Jolla> There are multitude of things that can affect. This issues has been (rainemak, 07:07:20)
    10. <Jolla> discussed extensively in forum in two topics. Further, there's a table (rainemak, 07:07:20)
    11. <Jolla> in the forum that containing VoLTE provider support. It could be (rainemak, 07:07:20)
    12. <Jolla> that VoLTE modem configs might be wrong for operators, causing SMS (rainemak, 07:07:20)
    13. <Jolla> to fail even if calling works. (rainemak, 07:07:20)
    14. <Jolla> (rainemak, 07:07:22)
    15. <Jolla> Please enter your input to https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/volte-provider-support/11501, thanks. (rainemak, 07:07:23)
    16. <Jolla> (rainemak, 07:07:26)
    17. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/volte-provider-support/11501 (rainemak, 07:07:28)
    18. <Jolla> (rainemak, 07:07:30)
    19. <Jolla> Let’s continue gathering feedback / input to https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/14452 (rainemak, 07:07:32)
    20. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/14452 (rainemak, 07:07:35)

  3. Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 07:14:10)
    1. <Jolla> Any open PRs to discuss? (rainemak, 07:14:16)
    2. Crabster - lurker, late ;) (Crabster, 07:20:47)

  4. General discussion (15 min) (rainemak, 07:21:09)
    1. Björn Bidar , Sailor @ Jolla (Thaodan, 07:28:10)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-love-day-2/18610 (rainemak, 07:43:01)

  5. Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (rainemak, 07:45:42)
    1. Next meeting will be held on Thursday 30th May 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-05-30T0700Z (rainemak, 07:47:58)
    2. https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/bug_tracker (Thaodan, 07:48:11)

Meeting ended at 07:50:06 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. rainemak (62)
  2. ExTechOp (16)
  3. Thaodan (11)
  4. __flypig (10)
  5. direc85[m] (9)
  6. dcaliste (6)
  7. pvuorela (5)
  8. Zyuc2G (4)
  9. Crabster (4)
  10. sailbot (2)

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