#sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 8th August 2024

Meeting started by rainemak at 07:00:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Meeting information and agenda can be found here: (rainemak, 07:00:07)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/community-meeting-on-8th-aug-2024/19334 (rainemak, 07:00:07)

  1. Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info (rainemak, 07:00:07)
    1. Otto Mäkelä, community (ExTechOp, 07:00:54)
    2. Raine Mäkeläinen, sailor @ Jolla, chairperson today (rainemak, 07:01:02)
    3. Pekka Vuorela, Jolla (pvuorela, 07:01:12)
    4. Matti Viljanen, community (direc85, 07:01:27)
    5. David Llewellyn-Jones, community (flypig, 07:01:38)
    6. sebix, community (sebix[m], 07:01:49)

  2. Getting a confirmation from Jolla about VoLTE support for 000 / 112 emergency calls when t2G/3G network/s are shutdown (5mins -- asked by TheKitchenSink, Substitute flypig) (rainemak, 07:05:46)
    1. <TheKitchenSink> I’m looking for an official answer to my question posted (rainemak, 07:05:56)
    2. <TheKitchenSink> on the forum here. (rainemak, 07:05:56)
    3. <TheKitchenSink> The shutdown of 3G in Australia is due to take place Aug (rainemak, 07:05:56)
    4. <TheKitchenSink> 31st 2024 in order to make 000 (our emergency number) (rainemak, 07:05:56)
    5. <TheKitchenSink> calls they will have to be routed over VoLTE after this (rainemak, 07:05:58)
    6. <TheKitchenSink> date and according to the guidance we are receiving from (rainemak, 07:06:00)
    7. <TheKitchenSink> our carriers not all phones/operating systems will do (rainemak, 07:06:02)
    8. <TheKitchenSink> this, so i’d like to confirm if mine will. (rainemak, 07:06:04)
    9. <TheKitchenSink> (rainemak, 07:06:06)
    10. <TheKitchenSink> Evidently this applies to 911/112/999 in other countries (rainemak, 07:06:08)
    11. <TheKitchenSink> as well as more places shut 2G/3G services. My forum post (rainemak, 07:06:10)
    12. <TheKitchenSink> does link to some documentation provided to end users (rainemak, 07:06:12)
    13. <TheKitchenSink> about the pending shutdown and emergency call support. In (rainemak, 07:06:14)
    14. <TheKitchenSink> the event that Sailfish doesnt support this (or support (rainemak, 07:06:16)
    15. <TheKitchenSink> is some time away) this is something that needs to be (rainemak, 07:06:18)
    16. <TheKitchenSink> very clearly communicated due to its safety critical (rainemak, 07:06:20)
    17. <TheKitchenSink> nature. (rainemak, 07:06:22)
    18. <Jolla> We are testing with Finnish emergency call centre (hätäkeskus). On (rainemak, 07:06:24)
    19. <Jolla> next round, we are focusing our testing to the Jolla C2 Community (rainemak, 07:06:28)
    20. <Jolla> Phone. We answer to the forum as well. (rainemak, 07:06:30)
    21. <Jolla> (rainemak, 07:06:32)
    22. https://112.fi/sijaintitieto (rainemak, 07:06:34)
    23. https://amta.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Understanding-VoLTE-and-Emergency-Calls-ahead-of-3G-Closure.pdf (TheKitchenSink, 07:09:44)

  3. Jolla blog updates (5mins -- asked by b100dian) (rainemak, 07:20:21)
    1. <b100dian> Is there any reason the recent developments (e.g. 4.6, mind2 (rainemak, 07:20:26)
    2. <b100dian> etc) where not also blogged about? I would assume that you’re (rainemak, 07:20:26)
    3. <b100dian> going to when new devices are supported, but you used to update (rainemak, 07:20:26)
    4. <b100dian> on dot releases too. (rainemak, 07:20:26)
    5. <Jolla> The Sailfish OS Forum is more suitable for writing about recent (rainemak, 07:20:58)
    6. <Jolla> developments. Thinking is that we would be steering this kind of (rainemak, 07:20:58)
    7. <Jolla> communication to the Forum as it is also more suitable for (rainemak, 07:20:58)
    8. <Jolla> discussion. That said, you are right that we have not blogged (rainemak, 07:20:58)
    9. <Jolla> recently, but we have not abandoning our blog either. (rainemak, 07:20:58)
    10. Follow us in Mastodon (rainemak, 07:30:25)
    11. https://techhub.social/@jolla (rainemak, 07:30:25)

  4. Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (rainemak, 07:31:00)
  5. General discussion (20 mins) (rainemak, 07:34:48)
    1. If you haven't yet replied to C2 feedback survey, please give a look (rainemak, 07:47:58)
    2. https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/jolla-c2-community-phone-your-feedback-is-needed/19522 (rainemak, 07:48:01)

  6. Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (rainemak, 07:55:22)
    1. Next meeting will be held on Thursday 22nd August 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-08-22T0700Z (rainemak, 07:58:32)

Meeting ended at 07:59:14 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. rainemak (112)
  2. flypig (19)
  3. TheKitchenSink (19)
  4. direc85 (13)
  5. sebix[m] (8)
  6. ExTechOp (6)
  7. ljo_ (5)
  8. Thaodan (3)
  9. sailbot (2)
  10. pvuorela (1)

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