Thursday, 2024-09-05

*** ChanServ sets mode: +o sailbot06:23
rainemakgood morning06:58
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 202407:00
sailbotMeeting started Thu Sep  5 07:00:19 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.07:00
*** sailbot changes topic to " (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:00
rainemak#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:07:00
rainemakI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:00
rainemak#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info07:00
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ExTechOpGood Morning, everyone!07:00
ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:00
rainemakgood morning ExTechOp07:00
rainemak#info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla07:00
b100dian[m]#info Vlad G., community07:01
direc85Good morning!07:01
direc85#info Matti Viljanen, Sailor @ Jolla07:02
rainemakWelcome direc85! Nice to have you with us.07:03
Thaodan#info Björn Bidar, Sailor @ Jolla07:03
direc85Thank you, great to be board!07:04
b100dian[m]That's great news on many levels:)07:04
rainemakWelcome everybody! We have two topics today.07:05
rainemakLet's get started07:05
rainemak#topic Is Jolla C2 new telephony stack going to be open source, including VoLTE/5G? (10 mins -- asked by vlagged)07:05
*** sailbot changes topic to "Is Jolla C2 new telephony stack going to be open source, including VoLTE/5G? (10 mins -- asked by vlagged) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> Some details about the topic: The “Jolla C2 Community Phone07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> deliveries 3” thread starts with the mention of a new Android 13+07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> telephony stack and the recent messages there asked for support07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> testing the VoLTE compatibility. As the previous VoLTE07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> implementation was proprietary, I would like to know if the next07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> one will have a brighter future and be open sourced. The next best07:05
rainemak#info <vlagged> thing - will packages be available to community ports? Thanks!07:05
rainemak#info <Jolla> Jolla C2 is a unisoc device. For VoLTE this means that ofono07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> vendor plugin will be for unisoc hardware adaptation. Similarly as07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> there is that qti plugin. Whether it is then open sourced eventually07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> or not is more complex question as there's a vendor dependency.07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> Let's make first a solid VoLTE for Jolla C2.07:06
pvuorela(hi on my part too!, missed the introduction it seems)07:06
rainemakpvuorela, no worry07:06
piggz[m]#info piggz community porter07:06
rainemakmorning piggz[m]07:06
dcaliste#info Damien Caliste, community07:07
ThaodanJust follow up with #info and you're good to go07:07
dcalisteSorry to be late...07:07
rainemakmorning dcaliste ... no worry, we have plenty of time07:07
ThaodanA wizard is never late, he just arrives at the right time07:07
b100dian[m]Ok, I think this was also partially answered by mal on the forums..07:08
piggz[m]ill just chip in with the volte support on the volla x23 community support.  excellent work by notkit to make a mediatek ofono binder plugin that -should- work on all android12 based mediatek devices07:08
rainemakb100dian[m], yeap... let's link that answer here as well07:08
b100dian[m]The vendor dependency means you also have acces to vendor source code?07:09
ThaodanDoesn't have to be, you can also try to hook into the blob07:09
rainemak#info The answer partially covered already in the forum07:10
b100dian[m]But how could this hooking impact the license?07:10
rainemakb100dian[m], yes, for Jolla C2 we have full source code access07:10
b100dian[m]@piggz So Mtk is now the better chipset:)07:11
ThaodanAre the vendor sources for volla x23 open?07:12
piggz[m]well, its actually pretty good yeah ... also, pinephone does volte natively :)07:12
piggz[m]Thaodan: not sure about that07:12
rainemakb100dian[m], first things first, let's make it first work.07:13
rainemakimplementation is actually proceeding nicely07:13
ThaodanOK so the situation is similar as with the C2 from what it sounds.07:14
b100dian[m]Agreed. Can't wait for that round of OSS repos though..07:14
ThaodanFor Sony we only have blobs obviously. But at least they are generic Qti blobs.07:14
rainemakNext one is a nice topic, shall we move on07:15
rainemakb100dian[m], I think your topic is covered07:15
b100dian[m]Ok with me, yes07:15
rainemak#topic Replacing device lock maximum attempts with attempt delays (10 mins -- asked by pvuorela)07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> The device lock settings has had configurable maximum attempts.07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> When that is reached, the device is put into locked state. The07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> setting has been vague on the UI, not fully explaining what it07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> does, and also dangerous as unlock attempts might happen07:15
*** sailbot changes topic to "Replacing device lock maximum attempts with attempt delays (10 mins -- asked by pvuorela) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> unintended in a pocket, or by a toddler, etc. It hasn’t protected07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> the sensitive data too well either as nothing gets done to that.07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> So instead of configurable maximum attempts, we are considering07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> adding pauses on retries after too many failed attempts in short07:15
rainemak#info <pvuorela> time.07:15
rainemakThis is more like a discussion item for each and everybody07:16
pvuorelayea, so created the item get some sentiment about such a change.07:16
Brian_Is there an Archive of this discussion for those of us how joined a few mins late ?07:17
pvuorelathere's been a bunch of 'help, my device got locked' items on tjc already, wouldn't like to see more of those :)07:17
rainemakDoes anybody know what happens when maximum attempt count is reached?07:17
ExTechOp(sounds a bit like the classic iPhone message "your phone is locked, you can try unlocking in 126144000 seconds", which is 4 years or so)07:17
rainemakBrian_, yes... both from this one and past years07:18
ThaodanI think it's not to bad, it matches up what's happening if enter your password wrong on your computer for example07:18
direc85I've used the device lock max attempts because I thought that reaching the limit would erase the home partition, but that is not the case.07:19
Brian_@rainemak ..... thanks.07:19
rainemakand welcome Brian_07:19
rainemakpvuorela, I don't like either those 'help, my device got locked' cases07:20
rainemakand some may have device lock max attempts enabled by accident07:21
pvuorelai guess good thing here is that i'm not hearing much objections on the idea :)07:21
b100dian[m]Now with qwerty you could ask them to enter a given word to prove they are human07:22
dcalisteYeh, I think that a reasonable 30 s to 1 min between attempts after some failure would block any brute force.07:22
ThaodanI guess the option for max attempts could be changed into something like after X attempts the device shuts off07:22
Thaodanso that the encrypted data is safe and can't be attacked07:22
rainemakThaodan, that could be an option as well07:23
Thaodanwarm boot attack07:23
pvuorelathat would be already better too.07:23
rainemakbut attempt delay is something that we should look at... I mean in any case07:24
ThaodanI consider that quite important for the political minded07:24
Thaodanit helps in cases where autorities try to force access into a user data07:24
Thaodane.g. a political activist07:24
direc85Bt it still doesn't prevent dumping the partition and brute-forcing the password. This was demonstrated in the forum if I'm not mistaken... I'll try to find the thread.07:26
ThaodanIt doesn't of course since we can't lock the bootloader on most devices since they don't support custom bootloader keys07:27
Thaodanonly a better pin/secret can help with that.07:28
Thaodanand the possibilty to stop attackers from booting custom initramfs07:29
rainemakwe're a bit overtime already07:29
Thaodanyeah lets move on07:29
rainemakI think conclusion is that there are no strong feelings against pvuorela's proposal07:30
rainemak#info No strong comments / feelings against pvuorela's proposal07:31
rainemak#topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)07:31
*** sailbot changes topic to "Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:31
Brian_@rainemak No objection.07:32
rainemakflypig started opening esr91 PRs07:32
rainemakwhich is nice!07:32
rubdos[m]direc85, congrats07:33
direc85rubdos[m], thank you :)07:34
rainemak^ it's not really started... those are all open already :-)07:34
piggz[m]im told the native mesa support for gecko is no longer working on the PP/PPP, i havnt checked myself yet, but ill have to chip in with them!07:34
rainemakpiggz[m], I heard as well... Emulator is an option to debug native adaptation07:35
piggz[m]ah, true07:35
ThaodanWill check how it works with virtio07:35
ThaodanVirtualbox isn't the same as it doesn't use mesa I think.07:36
rainemakSounds that we do not have open PRs to discuss07:36
direc85I've been testing the esr91 builds and they are in quite good shape already. Very impressive!07:36
dcalisteYes, it's already a great achievement from flypig and the other contributors.07:37
rainemakThaodan, I believe that the issue is similar that piggz[m] fixed in the past for native ports.... back then the issue was also visible in emulator07:37
rainemakI'll give 3mins more for this07:37
rainemakor 2mins :-)07:38
piggz[m]when does the 102 port start? :D07:38
direc85I gouldn't get esr91 start in emulator, didn't go deep into that (yet).07:38
Thaodanrainemak: ok that could be similar then. However mesa would be closer to native ports. In any case that's more a topic for #sailfishos-porters07:38
rainemak#topic General discussion (10 mins)07:40
*** sailbot changes topic to "General discussion (10 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:40
ExTechOpDo we have new news of SFOS availability for Sony Xperia 10 IV and V devices? We're are past the August 2024 time for the SFOS paid components originally mentioned at the love-fest.07:41
rainemakExTechOp, not other than free version available asap :-)07:42
rainemakExTechOp, there will be hiccups and issues07:42
rainemakwe'll openly inform regarding known issues07:43
ExTechOpIs there supposed to be something at for them, the latest I see there is the Xperia 10 III?07:43
rainemakWe'll inform07:44
rainemakYesterday we updated on the Jolla C2
ExTechOpWhat I'm trying to ask, since the shop doesn't even seem to have the free trial version available, am I doing something wrong?07:48
rainemakExTechOp, no, you're not... we're working to get free version available asap07:49
ExTechOpOkay then. It is somewhat confusing that lists them, and links to Jolla Shop which doesn't.07:51
rainemakExTechOp, I see... I'll write a note and an internal ticket07:52
rainemaklet's schedule next meeting07:52
rainemak#topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)07:52
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 5th September 2024)"07:52
rainemakProposing Thursday 19th September at 07:00am UTC07:52
dcalisteThat's ok.07:54
direc85Works for me07:54
Brian_May I ask a question ?07:56
Thaodaneither ask now if it's something short07:57
rainemakBrian_, of course07:57
Brian_Is this a regular group ? I am new /here/ although a Jolla user since the C1.07:57
Thaodanor ask next time in the meeting by posting in the forum07:57
rainemakThaodan, let Brian_ ask07:57
rainemakBrian_, yes, this meeting takes place bi-weekly given that there are no other overlapping events or such07:58
rainemakBrian_, there's also #sailfishos channel on the same irc server. That can be used for generic discussion as well07:58
Brian_Great. Thanks. I'll start reading archive and will join again on time.07:59
rainemakand #sailfishos-porters channel is for hw adaptations07:59
ThaodanSee you next time then08:00
Brian_Will do.08:00
ThaodanIf you can't make it you can also follow this meeting on Telegram08:00
rainemakit's always nice to see new people08:00
rainemak#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 19th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-19T0700Z08:00
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Sep  5 08:00:53 2024 UTC.08:00
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-05T0700Z"08:00
rainemakand Brian_ here are the logs from this meeting... There logs will soon appear in forum post08:01
rainemak <= here08:02
rainemakI'll create soonish a community meeting topic for the announcements category08:02
ExTechOpThanks everyone!08:05
dcalisteThank you, enjo your day.08:09
Brian_Thanks everyone.08:10
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