Saturday, 2019-03-16

T4Vijaypraj was added by: Vijaypraj15:16
T4<Vijaypraj> Hello15:16
T4<Vijaypraj> I got error15:17
T4<Vijaypraj> (Photo, 1280x720)
T4<Vijaypraj> What should i do15:17
vknecht@Vijaypraj: smells like fixup-mountpoints wrongness, but I know naught about halium15:36
T4<austenite> @Vijaypraj [<reply to media>], its given in documented errors, read full guide then itll be easier whenn porting15:38
T4<austenite> @Vijaypraj [<reply to media>], [Edit] its given in documented errors, read full guide then itll be easier when porting15:38
T4<Vijaypraj> Ok15:38
malvknecht: not fixup error, it doesn't find the fstab at all16:00
mal@Vijaypraj did you remember to run breakfast (or lunch in aosp) command to initialize the build environment (also ". build/" before that)16:02
T4<Vijaypraj> @mal [@Vijaypraj did you remember to run breakfast ( …], Yes i run16:02
T4<Vijaypraj> I run this in halium16:02
malI doubt it, check the lines above, it says vendor is "unknown" and device is "generic"16:03
malI have no idea how halium build works16:03
T4<Vijaypraj> Ok16:04
malanyway something is missing, maybe you forgot to define device and vendor in chapter 416:04
T4<Vijaypraj> I defind16:05
malmayeb halium build just isn't directly compatible with sfos build16:05
T4<Vijaypraj> Hmm16:05
T4<Vijaypraj> Ok i will try16:05
malyou probably need to use some parts of halium hybris-boot repo16:06
T4<Vijaypraj> I will try16:06
T4<Vijaypraj> Again16:06
malwhy are you using halium as base on not normal android16:07
malas far as I know nobody has used halium as base for sailfish16:07
T4<Vijaypraj> I am use for ubports16:23
T4<Vijaypraj> I wanna install ubports16:23
T4<austenite> hello, im porting sailfish for my phone, when i run hybris-hal command, i get this error while building kernel
T4<MarcoDS_bit> just re-downloaded sources, am I the only one getting this ? *facepalm*16:50
T4<austenite> @MarcoDS_bit [just re-downloaded sources, am I the only one …], are you using hybris-15.116:51
T4<MarcoDS_bit> yes16:51
mal@austenite which android base?16:54
malah, hybris-15.116:54
malit might need some rebasing16:55
steevieEsketit guys18:54
piggz@eugenio_g7 PR for senso fixes21:06
steevies'ha da passà na nuttat'22:52

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