Monday, 2024-08-12

T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: it's provided by fw/native, started by fw/base JNI interface08:19
T42<TheVancedGamer> I tried stubbing it, but it still complains it can't start that AIDL HAL08:20
malcan you show what you added08:32
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: this is what I have:
T42<TheVancedGamer> I got the service name from generated android.frameworks.stats code09:34
maldid you remember to initialize the stub in minimedia.cpp for example where rest of them are initialized10:49
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: yeah, I did11:16
maldo you see it in binder-list?11:16
T42<TheVancedGamer> I'll have to check again11:17
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: just checked, only `android.frameworks.sensorservice` is available, my stats service isn't\15:29
T42<TheVancedGamer> but then again, I only see hidl HALs, stats is AIDL15:30
malbinder-list -d /dev/binder15:44
malit defaults to hwbinder15:44
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal: I used gbinder-python to check services, is that fine?15:48
T42<TheVancedGamer> list_sync() returns blank with /dev/binder15:48
T42<TheVancedGamer> got wifi up, will build binder-list test15:58
T42<TheVancedGamer> mal:16:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> ```16:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ binder-list -d /dev/binder16:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$```16:01
T42<TheVancedGamer> am I missing something in container side maybe?16:01
malmaybe, not really sure how that kind of build should work16:13
T42<Verevka86> Hi all, my latest journalctl --no-tail -f -
malwhich base is that?16:14
T42<Verevka86> why might dev/binder and dev/hwbinder not work?16:15
T42<Verevka86> Hybris-20.0 (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>which base is t...)16:15
T42<Verevka86> ls dev - adsprpc-smd                mius0                      ram5                       sdd2                       sdf7                       tty4516:16
T42<Verevka86> adsprpc-smd-secure         mius1                      ram6                       sdd3                       sdf8                       tty4616:16
T42<Verevka86> ashmem                     mius_us_ctrl_io            ram7                       sdd4                       sdf9                       tty4716:16
T42<Verevka86> autofs                     mius_us_io                 ram8                       sde                        sensors                    tty4816:16
T42<Verevka86> avtimer                    mqueue                     ram9                       sde1                       sg0                        tty4916:16
T42<Verevka86> aw8697_haptic              msm-rng                    ramdump_a650_zap           sde10                      sg1                        tty516:16
T42<Verevka86> binderfs                   msm_aac                    ramdump_adsp               sde11                      sg2                        tty5016:16
T42<Verevka86> bsg                        msm_aac_in                 ramdump_adsp_rh            sde12                      sg3                        tty5116:16
T42<Verevka86> btpower                    msm_alac                   ramdump_cdsp               sde13                      sg4                        tty5216:16
T42<Verevka86> btrfs-control              msm_amrnb                  ramdump_cvpss              sde14                      sg5                        tty5316:16
T42<Verevka86> console                    msm_amrnb_in               ramdump_ipa_fws            sde15                      sg6                        tty5416:16
T42<Verevka86> cpu_dma_latency            msm_amrwb                  ramdump_ipa_uc             sde16                      sg7                        tty5516:16
T42<Verevka86> cuse                       msm_amrwb_in               ramdump_md_a650_zap        sde17                      sg8                        tty5616:16
T42<Verevka86> cvp                        msm_amrwbplus              ramdump_md_adsp            sde18                      shm                        tty5716:16
T42<Verevka86> dcc_sram                   msm_ape                    ramdump_md_cdsp            sde19                      smcinvoke                  tty5816:16
T42<Verevka86> diag                       msm_audio_cal              ramdump_md_cvpss           sde2                       snd                        tty5916:16
T42<Verevka86> dpl_ctrl                   msm_cirrus_playback        ramdump_md_ipa_fws         sde20                      sp_kernel                  tty616:16
T42<Verevka86> dri                        msm_evrc                   ramdump_md_ipa_uc          sde21                      sp_ssr                     tty6016:16
T42<Verevka86> ecryptfs                   msm_evrc_in                ramdump_md_npu             sde22                      spcom                      tty6116:16
T42<Verevka86> elliptic0                  msm_g711alaw               ramdump_md_slpi            sde23                      spss_utils                 tty6216:16
T42<Verevka86> elliptic1                  msm_g711alaw_in            ramdump_md_spss            sde24                      stderr                     tty6316:16
T42<Verevka86> elliptic_us_ctrl_io        msm_g711mlaw               ramdump_md_venus           sde25                      stdin                      tty716:16
T42<Verevka86> elliptic_us_io             msm_g711mlaw_in            ramdump_microdump_modem    sde26                      stdout                     tty816:16
T42<Verevka86> esoc-0                     msm_hdcp                   ramdump_npu                sde27                      subsys_a650_zap            tty916:16
T42<Verevka86> fd                         msm_hweffects              ramdump_slpi               sde28                      subsys_adsp                ttyHS016:16
T42<Verevka86> full                       msm_mp3                    ramdump_spss               sde29                      subsys_cdsp                uhid16:16
T42<Verevka86> fuse                       msm_multi_aac              ramdump_venus              sde3                       subsys_cvpss               uinput16:16
T42<Verevka86> goodix_fp                  msm_npu                    ramdump_wlan               sde30                      subsys_esoc0               urandom16:16
T42<Verevka86> gpiochip0                  msm_qcelp                  random                     sde31                      subsys_ipa_fws             usf116:16
T42<Verevka86> gpiochip1                  msm_qcelp_in               rfkill                     sde32                      subsys_ipa_uc              v4l-subdev016:16
T42<Verevka86> gpiochip2                  msm_rtac                   rmnet_ctrl                 sde33                      subsys_npu                 v4l-subdev116:16
T42<Verevka86> gpiochip3                  msm_sps                    rtc0                       sde34                      subsys_slpi                v4l-subdev1016:16
T42<Verevka86> loop-control               nq-nci                     sda30                      sde57                      tty26                      vcs16:16
T42<Verevka86> I'm sorry16:16
T42<Verevka86> ls dev - (edited)16:17
malI know the reason, need to push the fix16:20
T42<Verevka86> share it? :)16:27
T42<Verevka86> my sources-
maljust a moment, making a quick test build but patch is same as this
malpushed that to hybris-20.0 branch also, seemed to build fine16:38
T42<Verevka86> Now I have reboots, something new )))17:25
malare you sure you have the apexd patch also

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